
Welcome to the API Monitoring section of the BlazeMeter API reference! This section will cover the APIs used for creating, updating, and running API monitoring tests and environments, as well as getting the test results, handling test schedules, and handling administration on your account.

The Runscope API provides access to data in your API Monitoring account. This document describes how to authenticate to the API and the resources available. If you have any problems using the Runscope API contact us at

This API reference uses the following conventions for your convenience:

  • Language bindings are available in cURL. You can view the code examples and JSON responses in the column on the right.
Please be aware that all examples are built with Mac/Linux systems. If you are using Windows systems, you will need to change all single quotes (') to double quotes (").
For more general documentation for using BlazeMeter please visit the BlazeMeter Guide.