Test Detail

Retrieve the details of a given test by ID.

Returns a single test resource.

Test Detail

curl 'https://api.runscope.com/buckets/<bucket_key>/tests/<test_id>' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

Test Detail Response Attributes


  • created_atinteger

    Date the test was created (in Epoch time)

  • created_byobject

    Details of the user who created this test

  • default_environment_idstring

    The default environment for the test

  • descriptionnull

    Long-form description of the test

  • environmentsarray

    A list of environments for the test

  • namestring

    The name of the test

  • schedulesarray

    A list of schedules for the test

  • stepsarray

    An ordered list of the steps for the test

  • trigger_urlstring

    The trigger URL for this test

  • idstring

    The unique identifier for the test

Response200 OK

    "data": {
        "created_at": 1438832081,
        "created_by": {
            "email": "grace@example.com",
            "name": "Grace Hopper",
            "id": "4ee15ecc-7fe1-43cb-aa12-ef50420f2cf9"
        "default_environment_id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
        "description": null,
        "environments": [
                "emails": {
                    "notify_all": false,
                    "notify_on": "all",
                    "notify_threshold": 1,
                    "recipients": []
                "initial_variables": {
                    "base_url": "https://api.example.com"
                "integrations": [
                        "description": "Pagerduty Account",
                        "integration_type": "pagerduty",
                        "id": "53776d9a-4f34-4f1f-9gff-c155dfb6692e"
                "name": "Test Settings",
                "parent_environment_id": null,
                "preserve_cookies": false,
                "regions": [
                "remote_agents": [],
                "script": "",
                "test_id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3",
                "id": "a50b63cc-c377-4823-9a95-8b91f12326f2",
                "verify_ssl": true,
                "webhooks": null
        "last_run": null,
        "name": "Sample Name",
        "schedules": [],
        "steps": [
                "assertions": [
                        "comparison": "is_equal",
                        "source": "response_status",
                        "value": 200
                "auth": {},
                "body": "",
                "form": {},
                "headers": {},
                "method": "GET",
                "note": "",
                "step_type": "request",
                "url": "https://yourapihere.com/",
                "id": "53f8e1fd-0989-491a-9f15-cc055f27d097",
                "variables": []
        "trigger_url": "http://api.runscope.com/radar/b96ecee2-cce6-4d80-8f07-33ac22a22ebd/trigger",
        "id": "626a024c-f75e-4f57-82d4-104fe443c0f3"
    "error": null,
    "meta": {
        "status": "success"