Performance Locations

List of Google Cloud Locations

The following table contains the locationIds for all the cloud locations in Google Cloud provided by BlazeMeter.

Dedicated IPs are only provided for these locations, not AWS or Azure
Location ID Location Name
asia-east1-a Asia East (Taiwan, Google)
asia-northeast1-a Asia Northeast (Japan, Google)
asia-northeast2-a Japan (Osaka, Google)
asia-south1-a Asia South (Mumbai, Google)
asia-southeast1-a Asia Southeast (Singapore, Google)
australia-southeast1-a Australia (Sydney, Google)
europe-west1-b EU West (Belgium, Google)
europe-west2-a EU West (London, Google)
europe-west3-a EU West (Frankfurt, Google)
europe-west4-b EU West (Netherlands, Google)
northamerica-northeast1-a Canada East (Montreal, Google)
southamerica-east1-a Brazil (Sao Paulo, Google)
us-central1-a US Central (Iowa, Google)
us-east1-b US East (South Carolina, Google)
us-east4-a US East (Virginia, Google)
us-west1-a US West (Oregon, Google)
us-west2-a US West (California, Google)

List of Amazon AWS Cloud Locations

The following table contains the locationIds for all the cloud locations in AWS provided by BlazeMeter.

Location ID Location Name
ap-northeast-1 Asia Pacific (Tokyo, AWS)
ap-northeast-2 Asia Pacific (Seoul, AWS)
ap-south-1 Asia Pacific (Mumbai, AWS)
ap-southeast-1 Asia Pacific (Singapore, AWS)
ap-southeast-2 Australia (Sydney, AWS)
ca-central-1 Canada (Central, AWS)
eu-central-1 EU Central (Frankfurt, AWS)
eu-west-1 EU West (Ireland, AWS)
eu-west-2 EU West (London, AWS)
eu-west-3 EU West (Paris, AWS)
sa-east-1 South America (Sao Paulo, AWS)
us-east-1 US East (Virginia, AWS)
us-east-2 US East (Ohio, AWS)
us-west-1 US West (N. California, AWS)
us-west-2 US West (Oregon, AWS)

List of Microsoft Azure Cloud Locations

The following table contains the locationIds for all the cloud locations in Azure provided by BlazeMeter.

Location ID Location Name
azure-ap-northeast-1 Korea Central (Seoul, Azure)
azure-ap-northeast-2 Korea South (Busan, Azure)
azure-brazil-south-1 Brazil South (Sao Paulo, Azure)
azure-central-asia-1 Central India (Pune, Azure)
azure-central-asia-2 West India (Mumbai, Azure)
azure-central-asia-3 South India (Chennai, Azure)
azure-central-ca Canada Central (Toronto, Azure)
azure-central-us-1 US Central (Iowa, Azure)
azure-east-asia-1 East Asia (Hong Kong, Azure)
azure-east-au-1 Australia East (New South Wales, Azure)
azure-east-ca Canada East (Quebec City, Azure)
azure-east-us-1 US East (Virginia, Azure)
azure-east-us-2 US East 2 (Virginia, Azure)
azure-eu-west-2 UK South (London, Azure)
azure-eu-west-3 UK West (Cardiff, Azure)
azure-japan-east-1 Japan East (Tokyo, Azure)
azure-japan-west-1 Japan West (Osaka, Azure)
azure-north-central-us-1 US North Central (Illinois, Azure)
azure-north-europe-1 EU North (Ireland, Azure)
azure-south-central-us-1 US South Central (Texas, Azure)
azure-southeast-asia-1 Southeast Asia (Singapore, Azure)
azure-southeast-au-1 Australia Southeast (Victoria, Azure)
azure-us-west-central US West Central (Wyoming, Azure)
azure-west-europe-1 EU West (Netherlands, Azure)
azure-west-us-1 US West (California, Azure)
azure-west-us-2 US West 2 (Washington, Azure)

Private Locations Location ID

When wanting to add a private location to your test, you will need to get the harborId for the private location you want and use the following format as the location ID:
