Private Location Appendix

List of Private Location Functionalities

Private Locations gives you the option of choosing which functionalities you want to use with your private location. Below is the list of support functionalities.

Functionality Description
performance This adds the Performance Testing functionality to the private location.
functionalApi This adds the API Testing functionality to the private location.
Starting February 2022, the API Functional testing feature has been deprecated. Depending on your subscription plan, you may still be able to run existing tests but can no longer create new ones. Please use BlazeMeter API Monitoring to create and run your API Functional Tests going forward.
proxyRecorder This adds the Proxy Recorder functionality to the private location.
mockServices This adds the Service Virtualization functionality to the private location.

Shared Type Only

This adds the GUI Functional functionality to the private location. See here for the list of supported browsers.
sv-bridge This adds the legacy CA Service Virtualization Bridge functionality to the private location (deprecated).

List of GUI Functional Browsers

This list of browsers should be included in the funcIds if you include functionalGui as part of your private locations functionalities.


  • firefox:default

    This adds the default Firefox browser to the private location (currently is version 78). This must be included with the firefox:default functionality and cannot be used with the version specific Firefox or Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • chrome:default

    This adds the default Chrome browser to the private location (currently is version 84). This must be included with the chrome:default functionality and cannot be used with the version specific Firefox or Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • firefox:78

    This adds the Firefox version 78 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:77

    This adds the Firefox version 77 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:76

    This adds the Firefox version 76 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:75

    This adds the Firefox version 75 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:74

    This adds the Firefox version 74 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:73

    This adds the Firefox version 69 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:72

    This adds the Firefox version 69 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:71

    This adds the Firefox version 69 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:70

    This adds the Firefox version 69 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:69

    This adds the Firefox version 69 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:68

    This adds the Firefox version 68 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:67

    This adds the Firefox version 67 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:66

    This adds the Firefox version 66 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:65

    This adds the Firefox version 65 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:64

    This adds the Firefox version 64 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:63

    This adds the Firefox version 63 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:62

    This adds the Firefox version 62 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:61

    This adds the Firefox version 61 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:60

    This adds the Firefox version 60 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • firefox:59

    This adds the Firefox version 59 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. firefox:65).

  • chrome:84

    This adds the Chrome version 84 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:83

    This adds the Chrome version 83 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:82

    This adds the Chrome version 82 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:81

    This adds the Chrome version 81 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:80

    This adds the Chrome version 80 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:79

    This adds the Chrome version 79 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:78

    This adds the Chrome version 78 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:77

    This adds the Chrome version 77 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:76

    This adds the Chrome version 76 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:75

    This adds the Chrome version 75 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:74

    This adds the Chrome version 74 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:73

    This adds the Chrome version 73 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:72

    This adds the Chrome version 72 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:71

    This adds the Chrome version 71 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:70

    This adds the Chrome version 70 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:69

    This adds the Chrome version 69 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:68

    This adds the Chrome version 68 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:67

    This adds the Chrome version 67 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:66

    This adds the Chrome version 66 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

  • chrome:65

    This adds the Chrome version 65 browser to the private location. This can be included with any of the version specific Firefox and Chrome functionalities (i.e. chrome:65).

List of Private Location Images

Below is a full list of all the private locations images available.


  • blazemeter/crane

    This is the image for the crane container that handles all the communications with BlazeMeter and the other containers on private locations.

  • torero

    Private Cloud Only

    This is the image for incorporating the test validator in prviate cloud.

  • blazemeter

    Legacy Users Only

    This is the image for running legacy JMeter tests on private locations.

  • apm-image

    This is the image for incorporating the APM integrations on private locations.

  • taurus-cloud

    This is the image for running Performance, API Functional, and GUI Functional tests on private locations.

  • blazemeter/proxy-recorder

    This is the image for the proxy recorder integration on private locations.

  • blazemeter/service-mock

    This is the image for the Service Virtualization integration on private locations.

  • blazemeter/pc-mock-service

    Private Cloud Only

    This is the image for the Service Virtualization integration on private locations in private cloud.

  • blazemeter/sv-bridge

    This is the image for the legacy CA Service Virtualization Bridge integration on private locations (deprecated).

  • blazemeter/charmander/chrome

    This is the image for the Chrome GUI Functional integration on private locations. There are several supported Chrome browser versions for this image.

  • blazemeter/charmander/firefox

    This is the image for the Firefox GUI Functional integration on private locations. There are several supported Firefox browser versions for this image.