Add a Public Token

API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/public-token

To create a public token for a given master, you need to know the masterId of a givne master. The sample code creates a public token with a masterId of 12345678. Use the masterId of the actual master you want to add the public token to in place of 12345678.

If you do not know the masterId for the master in question, you can use the List Masters API to find it.

Add a Public Token

curl '' \
    -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
    -d '{"publicToken":null}'

Add a Public Token Request Attributes


  • publicTokennull


    The public token attached to this master. This should always be set to null

Add a Public TokenAdd a Public Token POST Body (JSON)

    "publicToken": null

Add a Public Token Response Attributes


  • publicTokenstring


    The token that is generated to allow for public access to the report. This value goes into the following part of the blazemeter URL:{publicToken}#/.../masters/{masterId}

Response201 Created

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "publicToken": "RUSd9VYDPnIW5SmBWDkqRXeovQ5U0XFtwGCLNikkxgELMGSafl",
        "new": false
    "request_id": "5ef2054733d53"