Test Results Advanced Settings

For the Summary Statistics, Requests Statistics, Error Statistics, Threshold Statistics and Time-Series Data you have options to narrow down the view of data to 1 or more scenarios, 1 or more locations, and/or a time range.

Test Results By Scenario

To narrow down the data based on a given scenario, you will want to include the scenarios[] parameter for the scenario (or scenarios) you are interested in. This will require you to gather the scenarioId by using the High Level Overview API (you will need a masterId) or from Start a Test API response (you will need a testId).

If you want to see multiple scenarios at the same time, you will need to add the scenarios[] parameter multiple times. For example, if you have 3 scenarios and want data for 2 scenarios, then the parameters section will look like ?scenarios[]={Scenario 1 Id}&scenarios[]={Scenario 2 Id}.

This can be combined with one or more locations and/or a time range to get location specific information for the given scenario(s) and/or time range. For example, if you have 3 locations running for a specific scenario and you are interested in one location during a specified time range, the parameters will look like ?scenarios[]={Scenario 1 Id}&locations[]={Location 1 Id}&from={Start Time Range}&to={End Time Range}.

Get Request Stats Data By Scenario

curl 'https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/masters/12345678/reports/aggregatereport/data?scenarios[]=f7cebdaa474a27fc93dcff0fd3d97bd116c1f867a6f17639f0fc197eec1f4e5a' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": [
            "avgBytes": 3.5939999999999999,
            "avgLatency": 25.615478098981228,
            "avgResponseTime": 105.14469669545431,
            "avgThroughput": 32.28213689482471,
            "duration": 1198,
            "errorsCount": 0,
            "errorsRate": 0,
            "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
            "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
            "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
            "labelName": "ALL",
            "90line": 110,
            "95line": 110,
            "99line": 111,
            "maxResponseTime": 117,
            "medianResponseTime": 105,
            "minResponseTime": 100,
            "samples": 38674,
            "stDev": 3.1836156424647122,
            "concurrency": 20
            "avgBytes": 3.5939999999999999,
            "avgLatency": 25.615478098981228,
            "avgResponseTime": 105.14469669545431,
            "avgThroughput": 32.28213689482471,
            "duration": 1198,
            "errorsCount": 0,
            "errorsRate": 0,
            "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
            "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
            "labelId": "6cd7cac6b9903c94dbea09b9973066d5f36c6e1de2cd06c91c853afcd56faff5",
            "labelName": "Dummy Sample",
            "90line": 110,
            "95line": 110,
            "99line": 111,
            "maxResponseTime": 117,
            "medianResponseTime": 105,
            "minResponseTime": 100,
            "samples": 38674,
            "stDev": 3.1836156424647122,
            "concurrency": 20

Test Results by Location

To narrow down the data based on a given location, you will want to include the locations[] parameter for the location (or locations) you are interested in. This will require you to gather the location Id by using the High Level Overview API (you will need a masterId) or from Start a Test API response (which requires a testId).

If you want to see multiple locations at the same time, you will need to add the locations[] parameter multiple times. For example, if you have 3 locations and want data for 2 locations, then the parameters section will look like ?scenarios[]={Location 1 Id}&locations[]={Location 2 Id}.

This can be combined with one or more scenarios and/or a time range to get location specific information for the given scenario(s) within a time range. For example, if you have 3 locations running for a specific scenario and you are interested in one location during a specific time range, the parameters will look like ?scenarios[]={Scenario 1 Id}&locations[]={Location 1 Id}&from={Start Time Range}&to={End Time Range}.

Get Request Stats Data by Location

curl 'https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/masters/12345678/reports/aggregatereport/data?locations[]=us-east-1' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": [
            "avgBytes": 3.5939999999999999,
            "avgLatency": 25.615478098981228,
            "avgResponseTime": 105.14469669545431,
            "avgThroughput": 32.28213689482471,
            "duration": 1198,
            "errorsCount": 0,
            "errorsRate": 0,
            "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
            "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
            "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
            "labelName": "ALL",
            "90line": 110,
            "95line": 110,
            "99line": 111,
            "maxResponseTime": 117,
            "medianResponseTime": 105,
            "minResponseTime": 100,
            "samples": 38674,
            "stDev": 3.1836156424647122,
            "concurrency": 20
            "avgBytes": 3.5939999999999999,
            "avgLatency": 25.615478098981228,
            "avgResponseTime": 105.14469669545431,
            "avgThroughput": 32.28213689482471,
            "duration": 1198,
            "errorsCount": 0,
            "errorsRate": 0,
            "geoMeanResponseTime": null,
            "hasLabelPassedThresholds": null,
            "labelId": "6cd7cac6b9903c94dbea09b9973066d5f36c6e1de2cd06c91c853afcd56faff5",
            "labelName": "Dummy Sample",
            "90line": 110,
            "95line": 110,
            "99line": 111,
            "maxResponseTime": 117,
            "medianResponseTime": 105,
            "minResponseTime": 100,
            "samples": 38674,
            "stDev": 3.1836156424647122,
            "concurrency": 20

Test Results by Time Range

To narrow down the data based on a given time range, you will want to include the to and from parameters for the time range (using Epoch time) you are interested in. This will require you to know get the start and stop times (in Epoch) by using the Summary Statistics API (you will need a masterId).

This can be combined with one or more scenarios and/or one or more locations to get location specific information for the given scenario(s) in the given time range. For example, if you have 3 locations running for a specific scenario and you are interested in one location in a specific time range, the parameters will look like ?scenarios[]={Scenario 1 Id}&locations[]={Location 1 Id}&from={Start Time Range}&to={End Time Range}.

Get Request Stats Data by Time Range

curl 'https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/masters/12345678/reports/aggregatereport/data?from=1551801954&to=1551802158' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": [
            "labelId": "4aea54d655e1ea0a0120da7e43da365c7581482cceaa0ad4c53574e14ecbc39e",
            "errors": [
                    "rc": "404",
                    "m": "NOT FOUND",
                    "count": 19057
            "assertions": [],
            "failedEmbeddedResources": [],
            "urls": [],
            "name": "Dummy Sample Error",
            "_id": "Dummy Sample Error"
            "labelId": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
            "errors": [
                    "rc": "404",
                    "m": "NOT FOUND",
                    "count": 19057
            "assertions": [],
            "failedEmbeddedResources": [],
            "urls": [],
            "name": "ALL",
            "_id": "ALL"