Add Tests to Multi-Test

API Explorer /collections/{collectionId}/add-tests-executions

To add tests to a multi-test, you need to provide a list of testIds to be added. The sample code to the right is adding 2 tests (testId 1234567 and 2345678) to the multi-test with collectionId of 12345678. Replace the testIds for each test you want to include (as strings) and replace collectionId 12345678 with the collectionId of your multi-test.

Caution: The list of tests to be added MUST be in the same projectId as the multi-test. Use the List Tests with the projectId used in the multi-test to ensure you are only adding tests from that project.

Add Tests to Multi-Test

curl '' \
						-X POST \
						-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
						--user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
						-d '["1234567", "2345678"]'

Add Tests to Multi-Test Request Attributes


  • testIdarray


    List of testIds to be added to test. The testId MUST all be in the same projectId and these values need to be a string

Add Tests to Multi-TestAdd Tests to Multi-Test POST Body (JSON)


Add Tests to Multi-Test Response Attributes

For full details of all the attributes for the Performance Test, see The Multi Test Object.

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "id": 12345678,
        "name": "My Multi-Test",
        "description": null,
        "collectionType": "multiV4",
        "userId": 123456,
        "items": [],
        "oldVersionId": null,
        "lastRunTime": null,
        "draftId": null,
        "filesToSplit": [],
        "dataFiles": [],
        "creatorClientId": "api",
        "testsForExecutions": [
                "testId": 1234567,
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "testId": 1234567,
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0
                "testId": 2345678,
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "testId": 2345678,
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0
        "migratedFromTestCollectionId": null,
        "migratedToTestId": null,
        "v4MigratedDate": null,
        "underMigration": null,
        "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
        "created": 1552063283,
        "updated": 1552068365,
        "note": null,
        "projectId": 123456,
        "lastUpdatedById": null,
        "kpiTrackingData": null,
        "tests": [
                "id": 1234567,
                "isNewTest": true,
                "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                "name": "New Dummy Test V4 2",
                "userId": 123456,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-6426953"
                "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                "created": 1542289535,
                "updated": 1552060217,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "taurus",
                    "canControlRampup": false,
                    "targetThreads": 500,
                    "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                    "scriptType": "jmeter",
                    "threads": 500,
                    "filename": "Dummy.jmx",
                    "testMode": "",
                    "plugins": {
                        "jmeter": {
                            "version": "auto"
                        "thresholds": {
                            "thresholds": [],
                            "ignoreRampup": false,
                            "slidingWindow": false
                "fileErrors": []
                "id": 2345678,
                "isNewTest": true,
                "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                "name": "Parallel Controller Script V4",
                "userId": 123456,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-6490190"
                "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                "created": 1545324446,
                "updated": 1552060219,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "taurus",
                    "canControlRampup": false,
                    "targetThreads": 500,
                    "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                    "scriptType": "jmeter",
                    "threads": 500,
                    "filename": "DummyParallelControllerGenerateParent.jmx",
                    "testMode": "",
                    "plugins": {
                        "jmeter": {
                            "version": "auto"
                        "thresholds": {
                            "thresholds": [],
                            "ignoreRampup": false,
                            "slidingWindow": false
                "fileErrors": []
        "masters": []