Agent Details

API Explorer: /private-locations/{harborId}/servers/{shipId)

To return the details of an agent, a harborId and a shipId is required. The sample code returns the details of the agent with a harborId of 5db9c5640634d626d0665efc and a shipId of 5db9c5640634d626d0665efc. Use the actual ID values for the private location and agent to return the details of the agent.

If you do not know the harborId of the private location, use List Private Locations to return a list of your private locations. If you do not know the shipId of the agent, use List Agents to return a list of your private locations.

Agent Details

curl '' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

Agent Details Response Attributes

To see a breakdown of the attributes, refer to The Agent Object section.

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "id": "5da78c8240055536a5297345",
        "name": "New Centos Agent",
        "address": "",
        "publicIpAddress": "",
        "state": "detached",
        "lastHeartBeat": 1572275227,
        "lastCommandOutput": "",
        "isLocked": false,
        "installedVersion": "3.1.15-1514",
        "hostInfo": {
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                    "present": true,
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                    "present": false
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                    "present": true,
                    "freeSpace": 88910917632
            "containerManager": {
                "type": "DockerManager",
                "usingDockerRegistry": false,
                "info": {
                    "operatingSystem": "CentOS Linux 7 (Core)",
                    "operatingSystemType": "linux",
                    "memory": 7672881152,
                    "cpus": 2,
                    "dockerRootDir": "/var/lib/docker",
                    "dockerVersion": "19.03.4",
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    "request_id": "5ef5fff2b6387"