List Shared Folders

API Explorer: /folders

To get the list of shared folders, you will need the workspaceId for where the shared folder is held. The example code on the right returns the list of the first 10 folders in workspace 123456. The id in the response contains the folderId of the shared folder, which you will need to upload files to that shared folder.

List Shared Folders Parameters


  • workspaceId integer


    The workspaceId you want to use to get the list of shared folders

Also see: Pagination and Sorting

List Shared Folders

curl '' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

List Shared Folders Response Attributes

To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Folder Object section.

Response200 OK

    "limit": 10,
    "skip": 0,
    "total": 12,
    "hidden": 0,
    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": [
            "id": "5b7dc9c6c7dc9739167b23c8",
            "name": "ApiTest",
            "created": 1534970310,
            "workspaceId": 123429
            "id": "58e29fd7ca293bbb5c05776f",
            "name": "Data",
            "created": 1491247063,
            "workspaceId": 123429
            "id": "5b44cdc346f49fcf707b23cb",
            "name": "IncludeController",
            "created": 1531235779,
            "workspaceId": 123429
            "id": "5af99e54014f377771e48270",
            "name": "JAR_Files",
            "created": 1526308436,
            "workspaceId": 123429
            "id": "5aba6168e2c1af58757b251b",
            "name": "Selenium",
            "created": 1522164072,
            "workspaceId": 123429
            "id": "594bfc8f67f3bf98257b23ce",
            "name": "TCMS_Data",
            "created": 1498152079,
            "workspaceId": 123429
            "id": "5af06f1d014f371f2b7b23c7",
            "name": "TaurusV4",
            "created": 1525706525,
            "workspaceId": 123429
            "id": "58e29fceaf1098fb3e185c11",
            "name": "Test",
            "created": 1491247054,
            "workspaceId": 123429
            "id": "5a023e063d71f4060b214518",
            "name": "TestAPI",
            "created": 1510096390,
            "workspaceId": 123429
            "id": "5b96c41fad67294528f03df8",
            "name": "TestDeleteFiles",
            "created": 1536607263,
            "workspaceId": 123429