Test Details

API Explorer: /tests/{testId}

To return the details of a specific test, a testId is required. The sample code returns details for a testId of 1234567. Use the actual ID value of your test.

If you do not know the testId of the test, use List Tests to return a list of all existing tests.

Test Details

curl 'https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/tests/1234567' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

Test Details API Functional Test Response Attributes

For the all the supported attributes, see the The Test Object.

Response200 OK

    "limit": 10,
    "skip": 0,
    "total": 1,
    "hidden": 0,
    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": [
            "id": 1234567,
            "name": "My Test Name",
            "isNewTest": true,
            "userId": 123456,
            "created": 1551635668,
            "updated": 1551717656,
            "creatorClientId": "api",
            "overrideExecutions": [
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "steps": 0
            "executions": [
                    "concurrency": 20,
                    "holdFor": "19m",
                    "rampUp": "1m",
                    "steps": 0,
                    "locations": {
                        "us-east-1": 20
                    "locationsPercents": {
                        "us-east-1": 100
                    "executor": "jmeter",
                    "scenario": "default-scenario-6654357"
            "hasThreadGroupsToOverride": false,
			"hasNonRegularThreadGroup": false,
			"shouldSendReportEmail": true,
			"dependencies": [],
			"tags": [
				"id": 158037,
				"label": "Dummy"
			"shouldRemoveJmeter": true,
            "projectId": 123456,
            "lastUpdatedById": 123456,
            "configuration": {
                "type": "taurus",
				"dedicatedIpsEnabled": false,
				"canControlRampup": false,
				"targetThreads": 500,
				"executionType": "taurusCloud",
				"enableFailureCriteria": false,
				"enableMockServices": false,
				"enableLoadConfiguration": true,
				"scriptType": "jmeter",
				"threads": 500,
				"filename": "dummy_errors.jmx",
				"testMode": "script",
				"extraSlots": 0,
				"plugins": {
					"jmeter": {
					  "version": "auto",
					  "consoleArgs": "",
					  "enginesArgs": ""
					"thresholds": {
					  "thresholds": [],
					  "ignoreRampup": false,
					  "fromTaurus": false,
					  "slidingWindow": false