Stop All Masters of a Test

API Explorer: /tests/{testId}/stop

To stop all active masters of a test, POST the testId to the /tests/{testId}/stop API. The sample code stops all tests with a testId of 1234567. Use the testId of the actual test to stop in place of the 1234567.

To avoid stopping instances of the same testId launched by another user or process, use the more specific masters-based stop command that uses the masterId (the masterId is returned when the instance of your test was launched).

To find the testId, you can either use the UI (see Get the testId) or the response from the test creation call (see Create a Test).

Stop All Masters of a Test Response Attributes


  • session_id string

    The sessionId being stopped

  • result string

    Will always contain the string stopping when using this API

Stop All Masters of a Test

curl '' \
    -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

Response202 Accepted

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": [
            "session_id": "r-v4-5c7d8a611c7df",
            "result": "Stopping"
            "session_id": "r-v4-5c7d8a55a745e",
            "result": "Stopping"