Create a Workspace
API Explorer: /workspaces
To create a workspace:
- Create the workspace object with a POST to the workspaces endpoint (see sample code).
- Capture the
returned asid
from the response.
Create a Workspace
curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
-d '{"dedicatedIpsEnabled": true, "enabled": true, "name": "New Workspace", "privateLocationsEnabled": true, "accountId": 123456}'
Create a Workspace Request Attributes
booleanDenotes if dedicated IPs are enabled or not
booleanDenotes if the workspace is enabled or not
The name of this workspace being created
booleanDenotes if private locations are enabled or not
of the workspace being created
Create a WorkspaceCreate a Workspace POST Body (JSON)
"dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
"enabled": true,
"name": "New Workspace",
"privateLocationsEnabled": true,
"accountId": 123456
Create a Workspace Response Attributes
See The Workspace Object for the details on the response attributes.
Response201 Created
"api_version": 4,
"error": null,
"result": {
"id": 123456,
"name": "My New Workspace",
"userId": 123456,
"created": 1599742832,
"updated": 1599742832,
"enabled": true,
"dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
"privateLocationsEnabled": true,
"owner": {
"id": 123456,
"email": "",
"displayName": "My Name"
"membersCount": 1,
"allowance": {
"amount": 10,
"type": "credits"
"accountId": 123456,
"features": {
"webdriver": true,
"multi": true,
"multi-location": true,
"multiLocation": true,
"dedicatedIps": true,
"privateLocations": true,
"functionalTest": true,
"mobileRecorder": true,
"disableResultsEmail": true,
"privilegedFlagToggle": false,
"pivotsReport": true,
"externalFunctionalMobileTest": true,
"proxyRecorderForPrivateCloud": false,
"userExperienceTestingPrivateCloud": false,
"disableV4URLTest": false,
"disableOTC": true,
"ignoreNTCValidationFailed": false,
"secureV4Image": false,
"disableNTCAutoSave": false,
"jupyterNotebook": false,
"V4PCOriginalTestConfig": false,
"enableJetlagPipeline": false,
"disableJetlagPipeline": false,
"disableJetpackPipeline": false,
"disableJetlagPipelineForPrivateCloud": false,
"daggerAsDefaultReportForPrivateCloud": false,
"isGridTestChargeEnabled": false,
"keyboardShortcuts": true,
"disableAccountHarborBatchProvisioning": false,
"testScheduler": false,
"privateCloudScheduler": false,
"v4MasterCommandsForPrivateCloud": false,
"v4MasterCommandsRpsForPrivateCloud": false,
"rootlessCraneImages": false,
"stagingAccount": false,
"anchorServices": false,
"JPMCProdBanner": false,
"hideChromeExtensionButton": false,
"enableFunctionalGuiForPrivateCloud": false,
"craneNetworkModeHost": false,
"cloudResourceUsageReport": true,
"keycloakForPrivateCloud": false,
"mockServicesForPrivateCloud": false,
"ardForPrivateCloud": false,
"devTest": false,
"functionalGuiBuilder": false,
"ard": true,
"objectRepository": true,
"showReportHistoryIdColumn": false,
"redirectAllTabsToRunscope": false,
"skipCheckScenariosLimit": false,
"sendDataToGooglePipeline": false,
"ardBeta": true,
"ardLegacy": false,
"tdm": true,
"enableContainerReplicas": false,
"gridWindows": false,
"enableSecrets": true,
"queueTest": true,
"queueFunctionalTest": true,
"blazeVSE": false,
"telemetryLegacySKU": true,
"upstreamProxy": false,
"enableTestYamlEdit": true,
"useSelenium4": true,
"slowPipeline": false,
"disableSlowPipeline": false,
"taurusV4": false,
"functionalApi": true,
"apiTestMaker": false,
"skipCheckV4SessionsLimit": true,
"v4Jetpack": true,
"functionalGui": true,
"enableNTCMockServicesPanel": true,
"runscope": true,
"functionalGuiLivestream": true,
"gridMultipleIterations": true,
"functionalTestSuite": true,
"allowWindowsOpl": true,
"newTest": true,
"enableNewMultiTest": true,
"redirectV4": true,
"userExperienceTesting": true
"plan": {
"id": "MYPLAN",
"name": "MYPLAN",
"type": "credits",
"totalCredits": 18000,
"concurrency": 500000,
"engines": 1000,
"isMetered": true,
"duration": 712,
"reportRetention": -1,
"threadsPerEngine": 1000,
"threadsPerMediumEngine": 1000,
"createdAt": 1488987563445,
"updatedAt": 1584375825359,
"isSandBox": false,
"trial": {
"end": null
"isFreeTier": false,
"isTrial": false,
"paymentServiceType": "stripe",
"unlimitedTestingUpTo": 0,
"maxWorkspaces": 999,
"multiLocation": true,
"maxParallelTests": -1,
"leftFunctional": 100,
"quantityFunctional": 100,
"maxConcurrentBrowsers": -1,
"maxConcurrentMockServices": -1,
"mockServicesExpiration": -1,
"mockServicesMaxReplicas": -1
"expiration": null,
"credits": 17639,
"billing": {
"defaultPaymentSource": null,
"city": "",
"companyName": "",
"country": "",
"email": "",
"fullName": "",
"phoneNumber": "",
"postcode": "",
"street": "",
"vat": ""
"request_id": "5f5a23709ab5e"