
This section covers the various terms that are used throughout the Service Virtualization APIs.


The dsl is the object that stores properties of Transactions.

There are multiple sources we support and convert to DSL format to use them as request/response transactions:

Supported dsl type keys are:

  • SWAGGER2_DSL for Swagger Versions 2
  • SWAGGER3_DSL for Swagger Versions 3
  • CODESV_DSL for CodeSv
  • WIREMOCK_DSL for Wiremock
  • HAR_DSL for HTTP Archive format (HAR)
  • TAURUS_RECORDING for TaurusRecording format
  • RR_PAIR for R/R Pairs

For more information, see Adding Transactions.

This appendix shows how to configure a dsl manually. The easiest way to create a valid dsl for an API call is to create a Transaction in the web interface and copy and paste the response.


Example - Create a DSL object

To create a dsl manually, use the following format:


  • requestDslobject

    The request DSL details

  • responseDslobject

    The response DSL details

Create a dsl objectMinimum Configuration Sample

  "priority": 0,
  "requestDsl": {
    "method": "POST",    
    "url": {
      "key": "url",
      "matcherName": "equals_url",
      "matchingValue": ""
    "headers": [
        "key": "header1",
        "matcherName": "contains",
        "matchingValue": "value1"
        "key": "header2",
        "matcherName": "matches",
        "matchingValue": "value2"
        "key": "header3",
        "matcherName": "equals",
        "matchingValue": "value3"
        "key": "header4",
        "matcherName": "not_matches",
        "matchingValue": "value4"
        "key": "header5",
        "matcherName": "equals_insensitive",
        "matchingValue": "value5"
        "key": "header6",
        "matcherName": "absent",
        "matchingValue": "header6"
    "queryParams": [
        "key": "q1",
        "matcherName": "contains",
        "matchingValue": "q_value1"
        "key": "q2",
        "matcherName": "matches",
        "matchingValue": "q_value2"
        "key": "q3",
        "matcherName": "equals",
        "matchingValue": "q_value3"
        "key": "q4",
        "matcherName": "not_matches",
        "matchingValue": "q_value4"
        "key": "q5",
        "matcherName": "equals_insensitive",
        "matchingValue": "q_value5"
        "key": "q6",
        "matcherName": "absent",
        "matchingValue": "q6"
    "cookies": [
        "key": "cookie1",
        "matcherName": "contains",
        "matchingValue": "c_value1"
        "key": "cookie2",
        "matcherName": "matches",
        "matchingValue": "c_value2"
        "key": "cookie3",
        "matcherName": "equals",
        "matchingValue": "c_value3"
        "key": "cookie4",
        "matcherName": "not_matches",
        "matchingValue": "c_value4"
        "key": "cookie5",
        "matcherName": "equals_insensitive",
        "matchingValue": "c_value5"
        "key": "cookie6",
        "matcherName": "absent",
        "matchingValue": "cookie6"
    "credentials": {
      "username": "joe user",
      "password": "p455w0rd"
    "body": [
        "matcherName": "matches_json",
        "matchingValue": "JFsnbWVudSddWydpZCdd"
  "responseDsl": {
    "status": 200,
    "statusMessage": "HTTP/1.1 200 OK",
    "headers": [
        "name": "Content-Type",
        "value": "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
    "binary": false,
    "content": "ZXhhbXBsZSBwb3N0IHJlc3BvbnNl",
    "charset": "UTF-8"

Bridge ID

This identifier was used in MAR-based Mock Services (EOL) only.

Harbor ID

This identifier was used in MAR-based Mock Services (EOL) only. It defines the private on-premise location (aka 'harbor'), a logical container on the BlazeMeter end that contains one or more agents (aka 'ships') on your end.

Location ID

This is the unique identifier for a cloud location or a private location. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

For another method for finding this value, see Get the Location Name.

Log ID

This is the unique identifier of a log. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Virtual Service ID

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Virtual Service Template ID

This is the unique identifier of a Template. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Registry ID

This identifier was used in MAR-based Mock Services (EOL) only.

Request ID

This is the unique Virtual Service Request identifier for a given Virtual Service in a given Workspace.

It is found in the response of the following API call in the result id: {“result” : [ { “id” : 7777, ...} ] }:

It is used in the following APIs:

Service ID

This is the unique identifier of a Service. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Ship ID

This identifier was used in MAR-based Mock Services (EOL) only. It defines a 'ship', an agent in a logical container on the BlazeMeter end in your private on-premise location (aka 'harbor').

Tag ID

This is the unique identifier of a tag. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Transaction ID

This is the unique identifier of a Transaction. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

VSE ID (deprecated)

This identifier was used in MAR-based Mock Services (EOL) only.

Workspace ID

This is the unique identifier that identifies a Workspace. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

For another method for finding this value, see Get Your Workspace ID.

Project ID

This is the unique identifier that identifies a given project.