Get List of Seed Lists

When creating a Data Model to generate test data, it is helpful to view the list of seed lists. Seed lists are provided files that contain sample text such as names of countries, persons, streets, banks, months and weekdays, and so on, that you can use as test data. Alternatively, you can also use Data Generator Functions and Card Issuers functions to generate test data, or a combination of all three.

The following parameters are the base parameters required to get seed lists.

Get List of Seed Lists

curl '' \
    -X GET \
    -H 'accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8'

Get List of Seed Lists Response Attributes


  • name string

    The name of the seed list.

  • path string

    The path of the seed list file.

  • size integer

    The size of the seedlist files.

Response (abbreviated)200 OK

  "api_version": 1,
  "result": [
      "name": "banknames",
      "path": "seedlist/banknames.sqlite3",
      "size": 20480
      "name": "companies",
      "path": "seedlist/companies.sqlite3",
      "size": 24576
      "name": "computergames",
      "path": "seedlist/computergames.sqlite3",
      "size": 155648
      "name": "country",
      "path": "seedlist/country.sqlite3",
      "size": 20480
      "name": "creditcard",
      "path": "seedlist/creditcard.sqlite3",
      "size": 106496
      "name": "currencycode",
      "path": "seedlist/currencycode.sqlite3",
      "size": 12288
      "name": "dayofweek",
      "path": "seedlist/dayofweek.sqlite3",
      "size": 12288
      "name": "emailaddresses",
      "path": "seedlist/emailaddresses.sqlite3",
      "size": 77824
      "name": "energycompanies",
      "path": "seedlist/energycompanies.sqlite3",
      "size": 57344
      "name": "firstnames",
      "path": "seedlist/firstnames.sqlite3",
      "size": 20480
      "name": "lastnames",
      "path": "seedlist/lastnames.sqlite3",
      "size": 106496
      "name": "month",
      "path": "seedlist/month.sqlite3",
      "size": 12288
      "name": "streetnames",
      "path": "seedlist/streetnames.sqlite3",
      "size": 28672
  "request_id": "48d03af4"