ServiceNow Integration

if you do not see Advanced Webhooks under your team's Connected Services page, please contact Support so they can enable it for you.

ServiceNow is a flexible online platform that helps customers transform their digital workflows. One of the ways it can be used is to help IT departments with incident management.

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to create a webhook receiver (as a Scripted REST API) inside of ServiceNow, and how to set up Advanced Webhooks in your BlazeMeter API Monitoring account to send test result notifications to ServiceNow to automatically create incidents in case of an API failure.


Creating a Scripted REST API in ServiceNow

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your ServiceNow account.
  2. On the left-hand side search box, type Scripted REST. Under System Web Services, Scripted Web Services, click Scripted REST APIs.
    The SerivceNow logged in dashboard, highlighting the Scripted REST APIs option on the left-hand side menu
  3. Click New to create a new API service.
    The SerivceNow Scripted REST APIs page, highlighting the New button at the top
  4. Name your API and an API ID (we use API Monitoring Webhooks for our example). You can leave Protection Policy as -- None --.
  5. Click Submit.
    The ServiceNow Scripted REST APIs list view, highlighting the new API we created in the preivous step with the name API Monitoring Webhooks
  6. You are taken back to the list of Scripted Web Services. Search for the API we just created and click it.
  7. Scroll down to the Resources tab and click New.
    The ServiceNow Scripted REST API details view for our newly created API, highlighting the Resources tab at the bottom of the page and the New button
  8. Name your resource (we use event) and change the HTTP method to POST.
    The ServiceNow REST API resource editor page, highlighting the Name field filled out, and the HTTP Method dropdown set to POST
  9. Scroll down to the Script section and add the following snippet.
    (function process(/*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {
      var apiKey = request.queryParams['apiKey'];
      var secret = "<secret>";
      if (apiKey == secret) {
        var event =;
        var inc = new GlideRecord('incident');
        var short_description = "Runscope Webhook - ";
        short_description += event.test_name;
        inc.short_description = short_description;
        inc.description = event.bucket_name + " - " + event.test_name;
        inc.work_notes = "Test run URL: " + event.test_run_url;
        inc.number = event.test_run_id;
        inc.state = 1;
        inc.impact = 2;
        inc.urgency = 2;
        inc.priority = 2;
        // optional - specific person to assign the incident to
        // inc.assigned_to = "<email>";
        var comments = "Runscope Test URL: " + event.test_url;
        comments += "\nRunscope Test Run URL: " + event.test_run_url;
        inc.comments = comments;
      } else {
        gs.warn("Invalid API Key for Runscope Webhook");
      // Runscope expects a 200 status code response back
    })(request, response);
    There are three variables in the script that you need to update:
    • <secret> - required - a random string, such as a UID. Save this value as we'll use it later when setting up the BlazeMeter API Monitoring webhook.
    • <group> - required - the group that you want to assign the incident to.
    • <email> - optional - the specific person to assign the incident to.
    if you want to customize the code and add more information to the incident, go to BlazeMeter API Monitoring webhook payload to see what properties are available.
  10. In the Security tab, uncheck the Requires authentication checkbox (we use the secret GUID variable to protect access to the API).
  11. Click Submit.
    The ServiceNow REST API editor page, highlighting the Security tab at the bottom of the page with the Requires Authentication checkbox unchecked
  12. Back on Scripted API page, look for the Base API Path field for our newly created API.
    The ServiceNow REST API details page for our newly created API, highlighting the Base API Path field that needs to be copied for the next steps

Our API endpoint will look similar to this:


Sending BlazeMeter API Monitoring Notifications to ServiceNow via Advanced Webhooks

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your BlazeMeter API Monitoring account.
  2. Click your profile on the top-right and select Connected Services.
  3. Search for "Advanced Webhooks", and click Connect.
    The Advanced Webhooks box found in the Connected Services page for a logged in API Monitoring user
  4. Name your integration (we use ServiceNow Integration), and select a Threshold.
    We recommend leaving Notify when a test run is completed as the threshold for now for testing purposes.
    The API Monitoring logged in page for setting up a new Advanced Webhooks integration, highlighting the Description field with the name of our new integration, and the Threshold option set to Notifiy when a test run is completed
  5. In the URL field, paste your API endpoint that you got from the previous section. It should look similar to this:
    The API Monitoring logged in page for setting up a new Advanced Webhooks integration, highlighting the URL field with the URL for our ServiceNow REST API created in the previous steps
    Make sure to replace <secret> at the end with the secret UID you used in the script.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Testing Our Integration

To test the integration, you need to enable it in one of our tests so BlazeMeter can start sending webhooks to ServiceNow.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to one of your buckets dashboard and create a new test.
  2. In the test editor, open the environment settings, click the Integrations tab and toggle the ServiceNow integration we just created to On.
    The API Monitoring test editor, highlighting the Integrations tab in the environment editor, with the Advanced Webhook integration we created in the previous steps toggled on
  3. To run the test, click Save & Run .
  4. Back in ServiceNow, on the left-hand side search box, type "Incidents".
  5. Under the Service Desk section, click Incidents.
    The ServiceNow logged in dashboard, showing the Incidents option highlighted on the left-hand side menu
    You should see a new incident created on the top of the list with information from your API Monitoring test run.
    The ServiceNow incidents list page, highlighting an incident showing the details for a API Monitoring Webhook payload

The integration is complete. No w that we know the ServiceNow API and the BlazeMeter API Monitoring integration are working, remember to adjust the Advanced Webhooks thresholds so alerts are only sent when you want them to. Go to the Connected Services page and click the edit icon next to your integration:

The API Monitoring Connected Services page, highlighting the Edit icon next to an integration already set up in a API Monitoring account

Changing the threshold options, so you can configure how often you want to create incidents for API failures:

The API Monitoring Advanced Webhooks details page, highlighting the Threshold option set to Notify only when a test run fails, to only create incidents when API monitors fail after the user has tested their integration and made sure it is working

Having trouble configuring ServiceNow? Contact our Support team.