Export and Import Services with all Transactions

Services are logical groupings for Transactions and virtual services, usually named after a specific live service. Anytime you upload Transactions or create a new virtual service, you are prompted to assign it to a Service, to create a new Service, or assign a default.

As a workspace manager or an administrator, you can export all transactions under a specific Service as a zipped JSON file. You can then import all Transactions from the zipped JSON file into another workspace.

Example use cases:

  • You have Workspace A and Workspace B in your environment. There are transactions in the Asset catalog as a part of an existing service in Workspace A. You want the same transactions in Workspace B as well. You can export the zipped JSON file with transactions from Workspace A and upload the JSON file to Workspace B. If any of the transaction already exist in Workspace B, we append a timestamp to the imported transaction name so you can distinguish them.

  • To prevent accidentally losing your Services, you want to periodically make backups. Export the Services as zipped JSON files and the Service Data as CSV files, to be able to import them back later. This enables you to restore any Services, including transactions, processing actions, test data, and associations.

This article covers the following topics:

Export All Transactions in a Service as ZIP file

You can export transactions from a specific service to a zipped JSON file. If any Service Data is associated with that Service, it is included in the ZIP file as CSV files.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Service Virtualization tab, go to the Asset Catalog, and expand the Service drop-down list.
  2. Hover over the service entries to see the pop-up action icons next to each entry.
  3. Click the Export a Service to a File action icon for the service that you want to export.

A zipped ZIP file is downloaded and named after the service name. The ZIP file contains the transaction data in JSON format and Service Data in CSV format.

Example: For a service named Default Service, the JSON file name is Default Service.json.

Import Transactions from the Exported ZIP File

There are two ways to import transactions:

  • To import all the Transactions that are in the exported ZIP file, click the Asset Catalog tab and drag and drop the ZIP file into the upload area.

asset catalog upload

  • Click the Service Virtualization tab, +, Create from Transactions and drag and drop the file in the upload area.

create virtual service from transactions

virtual services transactions

For more information about Export API, see Export API.