Scheduling a Performance Test

This page describes how to manage scheduled tests via the BlazeMeter UI. If you wish to manage scheduled tests via the API instead, see our Test Scheduler documentation. This page uses Performance tests as examples, but the same procedure also applies to Functional tests.

Scheduling a Performance Test via GUI

Follow these steps:

  1. On the Performance tab, click Tests.
  2. Open a test.
  3. In the Schedule section, click Add.
    schedule test

  4. Select the required frequency:
    • Weekly
      The test will run each week on the days selected. If the checkbox Mon-Fri is marked, the test will run daily Monday through Friday. Multiple checkboxes can be selected.

      schedule test weekly
    • Monthly
      The test will run on a specific day of the month according to selection. Multiple days can be selected.

      schedule test monthly

    • For both Weekly and Monthly options, you can configure the run time of the test. Click the time box to the right of the frequency bar:
      schedule test weekly hours
      BlazeMeter default time zone is UTC+0. When using the On Time selector, convert the defined time from your local time zone to UTC+0.
    • Advanced
      Enter your own CRON expression.
      BlazeMeter default time zone is UTC+0. When using CRON as the frequency type, convert the defined time from your local time zone to UTC+0.

      Explanation of the CRON representation:
      # ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
      # │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
      # │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
      # │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12)
      # │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday;
      # │ │ │ │ │                         7 is also Sunday on some systems)
      # │ │ │ │ │
      # │ │ │ │ │
      # * * * * * command to execute
      Example: If we use "30 10 * 2 1", the test will run at 10:30AM UTC+0, on each Monday of February.

      Once you enter a crontab expression, the scheduler will automatically validate your expression, then repeat the expression in plain terms to verify that your expression has created the result you intended.
      Take care not to accidentally set the interval too small. Use the scheduler validation below your expression to verify your schedule. For example, you would not want to schedule a test to run every second, or every five minutes.

      schedule tests advanced
      Note: Whereas the On Time option is expressed in UTC+0, the Your next 3 tests verification message will display in the time zone of your choice, matching whatever the value of your time zone override is (if the override is enabled).

A bonus feature to these three options above is that any selection made under one option carries over to the next during setup. For example, if you select Weekly, then select Mon, at 2:00am, then switch from Weekly to Advanced, the crontab expression will automatically populate with your previous selection, expressed as:

0 2 * * 1

The reverse is also true, to a point: the crontab expression entered under Advanced will carry over to the UI selections in either Weekly or Monthly, if it is a basic enough expression to translate.

View Scheduled Performance Tests

To view the list of scheduled tests, open a test. Any scheduled test is listed on the left panel.
scheduled tests list

Disable or Enable a Scheduled Performance Test

Both workspace managers and testers can delete or enable shared performance tests.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Performance tab, click Tests.
  2. Open a test.
    Scheduled tests are listed on the left panel.
  3. In the Schedule section, toggle the slider on or off to enable or disable the schedule.

toggle scheduled test copy

Delete a Scheduled Performance Test

Follow these steps:

  1. In Performance tab, click Tests.
  2. Open a test.
    Scheduled tests are listed on the left panel.
  3. In the Schedule section, hover over the test that you want to delete.
    The delete icon appears.
  4. Click the delete icon.

delete scheduled test

Existing schedules cannot be edited. To modify a schedule, delete the schedule and create a new one.

Review All Scheduled Performance Tests

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top right corner.
  2. In the left column, expand the Workspace section.
  3. Click Scheduled Tests.
    scheduled tests in settings

You can see all schedules assigned for all tests within the selected workspace. You can enable, disable, or delete a schedule from this view without having to navigate to the test itself.

To enable or disable, use the toggle icon. To delete a test, hover over the test and the delete icon appears.

scheduled tests settings view

This view only shows the schedules for tests belonging to the currently selected workspace. To see tests from other workspaces, use the WORKSPACE drop-down menu.

workspace selection