BlazeMeter Agent Environment Variables

This section contains a full list of supported environment variables for your Docker and Kubernetes agent installations.

Default environment variables are included and prefilled in the auto-generated command created when you add an agent for your private location. For Docker agent installation, the command can be used as is. For Kubernetes agent installation, you'll need to replace and update some of the variables with your own configuration.

Optional environment variables enable you to further configure your instance for specific use cases, for example, when your private location is hidden behind a corporate proxy, or if you want to use CA certificates for agent installation.

Docker Environment Variables

Environment Variable Type Description
AUTH_TOKEN String The agent auth token

Whether new (Dockerized) auto-updates should be enabled.

Default: true

AWS_CA_BUNDLE String This value is always /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt. Denotes the location of the certificate bundle.


Default: DOCKER


The address of your private Docker registry.

For example: localhost:5000


The user name of your private Docker registry

DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD String The password of your private Docker registry
DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME String The user name of your private Docker registry
DODUO_PORT String The user-defined port where to run Doduo (BlazeMeter Grid Proxy). By default, Doduo listens on port 8000.
HARBOR_ID String The ID of the private location with which the agent is associated
HOSTNAME_OVERRIDE String The hostname you are going to use for transactional virtual services created on the agent.
HTTPS_PROXY String URL of HTTPS proxy server to be used for all HTTPS requests sent by agent to Also passed to the other components.
HTTP_PROXY String URL of the HTTP proxy server to be used for all HTTP requests sent by the agent to Also passed to other components.

If true, it indicates that containers launched should use the same UID:GID as the Crane itself.

Default: false

NO_PROXY String URL that should be excluded from proxying (on servers that should be contacted directly. See more info here)

Uses a specific network interface to gather the machine's IP address. If the interface is unavailable, it falls back to use the first available interface (not in the denylist, see default).

Default: none;

Uses first interface available not in list: docker0, lo

REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE String This value is always /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt. Denotes the location of the certificate bundle.
SHIP_ID String The ID of the Agent
TLS_CERT String The public certificate for the domain used in HOSTNAME_OVERRIDE.
TLS_CERT_GRID String The public certificate for the domain used to run the BlazeMeter Grid proxy over HTTPS.
TLS_KEY String The private key for the domain used in HOSTNAME_OVERRIDE.
TLS_KEY_GRID String The private key for the domain used to run the BlazeMeter Grid proxy over HTTPS.
VERIFY_SSL Boolean If set to false, will send insecure requests to HTTPS addresses. If true a CA bundle may be required if something other than BlazeMeter requires HTTPS connections. Default: true.

Kubernetes Environment Variables

Environment Variable Type Description
AUTH_TOKEN String The agent auth token
AUTO_KUBERNETES_UPDATE Boolean If true, activate Kubernetes auto updater. Default: false
AWS_CA_BUNDLE String This value is always /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt. Denotes the location of the certificate bundle.
DOCKER_REGISTRY String The address of your private Kubernetes registry. It uses the same variable as Docker.
DODUO_PORT String The user-defined port where to run Doduo (BlazeMeter Grid Proxy). By default, Doduo listens on port 8000.
HARBOR_ID String The ID of the private location with which the agent is associated
HTTPS_PROXY String URL of HTTPS proxy server to be used for all HTTPS requests sent by agent to Also passed to the other components.
HTTP_PROXY String URL of the HTTP proxy server to be used for all HTTP requests sent by the agent to Also passed to other components.
IMAGE_OVERRIDES JSON Encoded String Allows the override of the default image received from BZA for the container to run.
Set the key to the original value (Example: apm-image:latest). Set the value to the new repository name with a tag. Extract the appropriate version number from 'admin/ship-stats'.
Must be JSON encoded. Must follow the following regular expression format:
INHERIT_RUNNING_USER_AND_GROUP Boolean If true, it indicates that containers launched should use the same UID:GID as the Crane itself.
Default: false
KUBERNETES_ISTIO_GATEWAY_NAME String This value denotes the name of the Istio Gateway to be used. If left empty or not present, an Istio Gateway will be created by default (if KUBERNETES_WEB_EXPOSE_TYPE is set to ISTIO).
KUBERNETES_LIMITS_EPHEMERAL_STORAGE Integer Integer value in megabytes. Set to control the ephemeral storage limits of the Taurus pod (optional).
Default: None.
value: '8192'


Integer value in megabytes. Set to control the ephemeral storage requests of the Taurus pod (optional).
Default: 100 (Mi).
value: '100'


This needs to be set to true when creating numerous transactional virtual services to avoid potential issues with K8S provisioning of pods. Default: false.


Crane uses kubernetes node information to discover the IP Address of the endpoint. By default, this is disabled and "" is used as the Automatic Private IP Address (APIPA) for all endpoints. To use kubernetes node IP address then set this flag to False. Default: true.


Allows the K8S cluster to pre-pull images when updates occur to BlazeMeter components. Default: false
KUBERNETES_WEB_EXPOSE_SUB_DOMAIN String The subdomain to be used when creating transactional virtual services.
Example Value:
KUBERNETES_WEB_EXPOSE_TLS_SECRET_NAME String The TLS secret name that contains the TLS key and TLS secret for the domain provided in KUBERNETES_WEB_EXPOSE_SUB_DOMAIN.
KUBERNETES_WEB_EXPOSE_TYPE String This indicates the type of web interface to be used. The values can be INGRESS or CONTOUR or ISTIO.
KUBERNETES_LABELS JSON Labels to add to resources created by agent. Must be in JSON format.
Syntax: {"label_1": "label_1_value", "label_2": "label_2_value"}
KUBERNETES_NODE_SELECTOR_JSON JSON Used to configure the k8s nodeSelector field to match specific node labels for the Crane engine deployment. Must be in JSON format.
Syntax: {"label_1": "label_1_value", "label_2": "label_2_value"}
KUBERNETES_RESOURCES_LIMITS_CPU String CPU limits for resources created by agent.
KUBERNETES_RESOURCES_LIMITS_MEMORY String Memory limits for resources created by agent.
KUBERNETES_SERVICE_USE_TYPE String Allows the K8S cluster to use ClusterIP services over the default NodePort service for virtual services. Can be NODEPORT or CLUSTERIP. Default: NODEPORT.
KUBERNETES_TOLERATIONS_JSON Array Set to specify that the crane container passes tolerations and node selector elements to child containers.
Syntax: '[{ "effect": "NoSchedule", "key": "lifecycle", "operator": "Equal", "value": "spot" }]'
KUBERNETES_WEB_EXPOSE_SHORT_URL Boolean When enabled, generate shorter ingress URLs by omitting namespace name and container port.
WARNING: Limits port exposing to only 1 port per container due to missing port number in URL! Default: false
NO_PROXY String URL that should be excluded from proxying (on servers that should be contacted directly. For more info, see Proxies (
PREFERRED_INTERFACE String Uses a specific network interface to gather the machine's IP address. If the interface is unavailable, it falls back to use the first available interface (not in the denylist, see default). Default: none; Uses first interface available not in list: docker0, lo.
REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE String This value is always /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt. Denotes the location of the certificate bundle.
SHIP_ID String The ID of the agent
TLS_CERT_GRID String The public certificate for the domain used to run the BlazeMeter Grid proxy over HTTPS.
TLS_KEY_GRID String The private key for the domain used to run the BlazeMeter Grid proxy over HTTPS.
VERIFY_SSL Boolean If set to false, will send insecure requests to HTTPS addresses. If true a CA bundle may be required if something other than BlazeMeter requires HTTPS connections.
Default: true