Removing an Agent

This article explains how to remove an agent installation from your local machine.

Remove an Agent in Docker Installation

Follow these steps

  1. Log in to the machine containing the agent you want to uninstall/remove, and run the following command to list all the containers:
    $ sudo docker ps -a
    You will see a response similar to the one below:

    54c0b773a855 blazemeter/crane "bash" 2 days ago Up 2 days 2 days ago blazemeter-crane
  2. Remove the bzm-crane-<agentId> container with the following command:
    $ sudo docker rm -f <Container_ID>
    You need the container ID from the previous step to run this command.
  3. To remove all the images for the BlazeMeter install, list out all the images on the machine using the following command:
    $ sudo docker images
    You will see something like the following:
    REPOSITORY                  TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    taurus-cloud                1.13.0-975             5df8fa4f6613        11 days ago         3.76GB
    taurus-cloud                latest                 5df8fa4f6613        11 days ago         3.76GB
    apm-image                   1.3.0-826              58c5cfab39a2        2 weeks ago         281MB
    apm-image                   latest                 58c5cfab39a2        2 weeks ago         281MB
    blazemeter/crane            3.1.1-1425             7e1c470769df        5 weeks ago         700MB
    blazemeter/crane            latest                 7e1c470769df        5 weeks ago         700MB
    blazemeter/proxy-recorder   1.9.0-833              cb9cdf0c1067        3 weeks ago         1.13GB
    blazemeter/proxy-recorder   latest                 cb9cdf0c1067        3 weeks ago         1.13GB
  4. To remove all the images, use the following command:
    $ sudo docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
    If there is an issue with removing one or more of the images, you can use the following command to force delete it:
    $ sudo docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)
    If you have other images on your Docker instance and you want to only remove the images used for BlazeMeter, you can use the following command:
    $ sudo docker rmi <Image ID of apm-image> <Image ID of blazemeter/proxy-recorder> <Image ID of taurus-cloud> <Image ID of blazemeter/crane><Image ID of service-mock> <Image ID(s) of charmander-chrome> <Image ID(s) of charmander-firefox>
  5. Go to the Private Location containing this Agent and click Delete. To complete the action, click OK.

Remove an Agent in Kubernetes Installation

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Kubernetes instance where the agent is located.
  2. Use the following command to get the deployment name for the crane:
    kubectl get deployments
  3. Use the following command to delete the deployment configuration file from your Kubernetes instance:
    kubectl delete deployment <crane deployment name>
  4. Go to the Private Location containing this Agent and click Delete. To complete the action, click OK.