Functional Locations List

You can use this article for other methods to find the same list of locations provided below.

API Functional Locations List

The following list is all the locations for API Functional tests:

Starting February 2022, the API Functional testing feature has been deprecated. Depending on your subscription plan, you may still be able to run existing tests but can no longer create new ones. Please use BlazeMeter API Monitoring to create and run your API Functional Tests going forward.
Location Name Location ID
Functional Testing Default Location harbor-58d3b97ff132adc0347b23c6
US East (S. Carolina) - Functional Test harbor-59464ffd67f3bf63cb7b23c9
Us West (N. California) - Functional Test harbor-59465fcde4d6a240d97b23c6
Us West (Oregon) - Functional Test harbor-594662d6e6e960aedb7b23c7
Canada (Central) - Functional Test harbor-5946677fe4d6a21adb7b23c8
EU West (Belgium) - Functional Test harbor-59466cb1e4d6a296e37b23c8
EU Central (Frankfurt) - Functional Test harbor-59466f1b67f3bfebe27b23c7
EU West (London) - Functional Test harbor-5946708a65e00138e57b23c6
Asia Pacific (Singapore) - Functional Test harbor-59467342e4d6a205e67b23c6
Australia (Sydney) - Functional Test harbor-5946756fe4d6a204e37b23c6
Asia Pacific (Seoul) - Functional Test harbor-5946770be6e960e5e57b23cf

GUI Functional Locations List

The following list is all the locations for GUI Functional tests:

Location Name Location ID
US East (Virginia) - Functional GUI Test harbor-5ab3c64ec8589f914c7b25db
EU West (London) - Functional GUI Test harbor-5d25f94f9950ce73cd105f53
US West (Oregon) - Functional GUI Test harbor-5d25f95f206f10730f21f1b4

Private Locations Location ID

When wanting to add a private location to your test, you will need to get the harborId for the private location you want and use the following format as the location ID:
