
This section covers the various terms that are used throughout the APIs discussed.

Account ID

This is the unique identifier of an account. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found through the BlazeMeter URL, using the following example:{account ID}...

The number that comes after accounts in the example above is the Account ID.

It can be found in these APIs:


The Taurus Term used to describe the number of concurrent users to run the test with. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Collection ID

This is the unique identifier of a multi test. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

For another method for finding this value, visit this article.

Data Model ID

This is the unique identifier of a data model for test data generation. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:


The Taurus Term used to describe the execution type for a test (i.e. JMeter, Selenium, Gatling, etc.). It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Folder ID

This is the unique identifier of the shared folder. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Group ID

This is the unique identifier for API Functional test groups. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the repsones of the following APIs:

Harbor ID

This is the unique identifier of the private location. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

For another method of finding this value, visit this article.


The Taurus Term to describe the length of time the test will run at the full concurrency settings. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Location ID

This is the unique identifier for a cloud location or a private location. Visit the Functional Locations List appendix for more details on this term. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

For another method for finding this value, visit this article. For the full list of functional locations, see here.

Master ID

This is the unique identifier that identifies a test run. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

For another method for finding this value, visit this article.

Project ID

This is the unique identifier that identifies a given project. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

For another method for finding this value, visit this article.


The Taurus Term to describe the time it takes to ramp up to the full concurrency set. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Scenario ID

The id attribute of the test. It is used in the following APIs:

Schedule ID

This is the unique identifier that identifies a scheduled test run. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Session ID

This is the unique identifier that identifies a session in a test run. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

For another method for finding this value, visit this article.

Ship ID

This is the unique identifier of an agent within a private location. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs

For another method of finding this value, visit this article.


The Taurus Term for describing the number of steps the rampup will use (i.e. setting this to 3 will make the ramp up increase 3 times during the ramp up period). It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Test ID

This is the unique identifier that identifies a test. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

For another method for finding this value, visit this article.

Test Data Model properties and requirements

To generate test data, you define a data model.

The properties section is where you declare data properties and their types. The syntax is based on the property type section of the JSON Schema specification.

	"name":{ "type":"string"}, 

The requirements section is BlazeMeter's custom extension of the JSON Schema. In this section, you define requirements for the values of each property. The requirements are expressions using ECMAScript 6 syntax, such as “randInt(x,y) + 10” or "$name".

Requirements commonly use BlazeMeter data generator functions, such as randText(5,10). For more information, see Get List of Data Generator Functions, Get List of Seedlists, and Get List of CardIssuers.

	"email":"$name + ''" 

In the requirements, you can also use JavaScript expressiosn such as yield, await, new, delete, typeof, void, instanceof, in, arrow functions, spread, shift, variables and operators, such as $name + ''. Valid number literals are limited to decimal literals; hex, octal and binary literals are not supported.


{ "data":{  
		    "description":"A Pet can be dog or cat", 
			    "name":{ "type":"string"}, 
			    "name":"randText(5, 10)", 
			    "email":"$name + ''" 

User ID

This is the unique identifier that identifies a user. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

Workspace ID

This is the unique identifier that identifies a workspace. It is used in the following APIs:

It is found in the response of the following APIs:

For another method for finding this value, visit Get Your Workspace ID .