Test Suite Summary

API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/test-suite-summary

To get the summary details from a test suite master, a masterId is required. The sample code returns the summary details of a teset suite for the master with masterId of 12345678. Use the actaul masterId in place of 12345678.

Test Suite Summary

curl 'https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/masters/12345678/test-suite-summary' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

Test Suite Summary Response Attributes

All timestamps are in UNIX Epoch time.


  • testsResultarray

    The list of test results from all tests in the test suite

  • uniqueLocationNamesarray

    List of all unique locations run in the test suite. These values uses the location names, not the location Ids

  • suiteSummaryobject

    The summary details of the whole test suite

  • updatedinteger

    The timestampe of the last update to the test suite summary

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "testsResult": [
                "testId": 7632610,
                "testName": "Santander Proxy GUI Functional Validation Test",
                "testType": "functionalGui",
                "definedStatus": "passed",
                "suitesPassed": 1,
                "suitesTotal": 1,
                "sessionsPassed": 1,
                "sessionsTotal": 1,
                "started": 1592939030.8151221,
                "ended": 1592939051.8028064
                "testId": 7895446,
                "testName": "API Functional Validation Test",
                "testType": "functionalApi",
                "definedStatus": "passed",
                "suitesPassed": 1,
                "suitesTotal": 1,
                "sessionsPassed": 1,
                "sessionsTotal": 1,
                "started": 1592938966,
                "ended": 1592939017
        "uniqueLocationNames": [
            "US West (Oregon) - Functional GUI Test",
            "US West (Los Angeles) - Functional Test"
        "suiteSummary": {
            "suitesPassed": 2,
            "suitesTotal": 2,
            "sessionsPassed": 2,
            "sessionsTotal": 2,
            "definedStatus": "passed",
            "started": 1592938966,
            "ended": 1592939051.8028064
        "updated": 1592939391
    "request_id": "5ef36d19ac49f"