Check File Validation

API Explorer: /tests/{testId}/validations

To get the status of the test file validations, use GET to pull the validation list for a given test (you need to know the testId). The sample code gets the file validations for a test with a test ID of 1234567 (the 1234567 is contained in the URL).

If you do not know the testId of the test to update, use List Tests to return a list of your created tests.

Check File Validation

curl '' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

Check File Validation Response Attributes

All timestamps are in UNIX Epoch Time.


  • statusinteger

    The status of the validation process. A status of 100 means completed

  • timestampinteger

    The timestamp of when the validation is updated

  • fileNamestring

    The filename of the file being validated

  • errorsarray

    A list of errors found during the validation. If this is not empty, the test will not start

  • warningsarray

    A list of warnings found during the validation. The test will still run if this is not empty

  • dependenciesarray

    A list of virtual services found during the validation

  • executionsarray

    Executions found in the validated script

  • commandsExecutionIndexobject

    The details on the commands run for this test validation

  • isInlineScenarioExistsboolean

    Denotes if the script contains inline scenario names or not

  • hasUltimateThreadGroupboolean

    Denotes if the script contains an Ultimate thread group or not

  • hasMultipleThreadGroupsboolean

    Denotes if the script contains multiple thread groups or not

  • createdinteger

    The timestamp of when the validation is created

  • updatedinteger

    The timestamp of when the validation is updated

  • fileWarningsarray

    List of warnings regarding files

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": [
            "status": 100,
            "timestamp": 1577735981,
            "fileName": "DemoBlaze-Selenium-.yaml",
            "errors": [],
            "warnings": [
                "Please note: Some executions in your script did not configure a concurrency; they will run with 1 concurrent user",
                "Please note: Some executions in your script will run according to your plan's duration limitation (execution #1)",
                "Please note: Some executions in your script did not configure locations, and will run from the default location"
            "dependencies": [],
            "totalDuration": 0,
            "totalConcurrency": 0,
            "lastContainerName": "7554662-torero-5e0a572a0c82a",
            "lastContainerCommand": "files_validation",
            "executions": [
                    "iterations": 1,
                    "locationsWeighted": true,
                    "executor": "selenium",
                    "capabilities": {
                        "browserName": "chrome"
                    "scenario": "DemoBlaze-Selenium"
            "dedicatedIps": false,
            "delayedStart": false,
            "splitCsv": false,
            "commandsExecutionIndex": {
                "files_validation": 2
            "isInlineScenarioExists": false,
            "hasUltimateThreadGroup": false,
            "hasMultipleThreadGroups": false,
            "globalLocations": [],
            "created": 1577464134,
            "updated": 1577735981,
            "isMultiLocation": false,
            "fileWarnings": [],
            "totalLoadGenerators": 1
    "request_id": "5e0a5899ee0e0"