GUI Functional Scenarios Summary

API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/xbt-scenarios-summary?testId={testId}

To get GUI functional scenarios summary statistics, you will need a masterId and the corresponding testId for that master. The sample code returns the scenarios summary stats for the masterId of 12345678 attached to testId of 1234567. Use the masterId and the testId of the actual master in place of 12345678 and its corresponding test in place of 1234567.

GUI Functional Scenarios Summary

curl '' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

GUI Functional Scenarios Summary Response Attributes

All timestamps are in UNIX Epoch Time.


  • scenariosarray

    List of scenarios that ran with the GUI functional test

  • summaryobject

    The summary details for the GUI functional test

  • uniqueLocationNamesarray

    List of unique locations used in this test

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "scenarios": [
                "testSuiteUniqueAlias": "Scenario 1-1",
                "testSuiteName": "Scenario 1",
                "sessions": [
                        "browserName": "chrome",
                        "browserVersion": "77.0.3865.120",
                        "platformName": null,
                        "platformVersion": null,
                        "sessionId": "r-sg-5ef24af96a077",
                        "testDataIterationId": null,
                        "sessionName": "chrome_77",
                        "status": 140,
                        "definedStatus": "passed"
                "definedStatus": "passed"
        "summary": {
            "uniqueTestCasesCount": 1,
            "uniqueSuitesCount": 1,
            "passedTestCasesCount": 1,
            "failedTestCasesCount": 0,
            "brokenTestCasesCount": 0,
            "totalTestCasesCount": 1,
            "undefinedTestCasesCount": 0,
            "testCasesCount": 1,
            "passedPercent": 1,
            "started": 1592937232.7655351,
            "ended": 1592937251.8649161,
            "definedStatus": "passed",
            "suitesPassed": 1,
            "suitesTotal": 0,
            "sessionsPassed": 1,
            "sessionsTotal": 0
        "uniqueLocationNames": [
            "US West (Oregon) - Functional GUI Test"
        "reportUrl": null
    "request_id": "5ef3abb011481"