API Functional Summary Statistics

API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}/reports/functional/groups

Starting February 2022, the API Functional testing feature has been deprecated. Depending on your subscription plan, you may still be able to run existing tests but can no longer create new ones. Please use BlazeMeter API Monitoring to create and run your API Functional Tests going forward.

To get the API functional summary statistics, use the masterId. The sample code returns summary stats for the masterId of 12345678. Use the masterId of the actual test run in place of 12345678.

If you do not know the ID of the master to start, use List Masters to return a list of your created masters.

API Functional Summary Statistics

curl 'https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/masters/12345678/reports/functional/groups' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

API Functional Summary Statistics Parameters

Below are a list of query parameters that can be used to narrow down your search for groups in a master:


  • filter[status] string

    Provide pass to see only the samples that passed and fail to see only the samples that failed

  • testId integer

    The unique identifier of the test. This is known as the testId and cannot be modified

API Functional Summary Statistics Response Attributes

All time values are in milliseconds (ms).


  • groupIdstring

    The groupId for this group of results

  • sessionIdstring

    The sessionId for this test run

  • summaryobject

    Summary details for the test run

  • idstring

    The groupId for this group of results

  • namestring

    The name of the group that is displayed in the API functional report

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": [
            "groupId": "76691196-ec79-5b35-a91d-2d10f8f850ad",
            "sessionId": "r-v4-5e0a5d6cf08c6",
            "summary": {
                "testsCount": 28,
                "requestsCount": 28,
                "errorsCount": 7,
                "assertions": {
                    "count": 0,
                    "passed": 0
                "responseTime": {
                    "sum": 12552
                "isFailed": true,
                "failedCount": 7,
                "failedPercentage": 100
            "id": "76691196-ec79-5b35-a91d-2d10f8f850ad",
            "name": "Thread Group 1"
    "request_id": "5e0a698b1423f"