Create a Workspace

API Explorer: /workspaces

To create a workspace:

  1. Create the workspace object with a POST to the workspaces endpoint (see sample code).
  2. Capture the workspaceId returned as id from the response.

Create a Workspace

curl '' \
    -X POST \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
    -d '{"dedicatedIpsEnabled": true, "enabled": true, "name": "New Workspace", "privateLocationsEnabled": true, "accountId": 123456}'

Create a Workspace Request Attributes


  • dedicatedIpsEnabledboolean

    Denotes if dedicated IPs are enabled or not

  • enabledboolean

    Denotes if the workspace is enabled or not

  • namestring


    The name of this workspace being created

  • privateLocationsEnabledboolean

    Denotes if private locations are enabled or not

  • accountIdinteger


    The accountId of the workspace being created

Create a WorkspaceCreate a Workspace POST Body (JSON)

  "dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
  "enabled": true,
  "name": "New Workspace",
  "privateLocationsEnabled": true,
  "accountId": 123456

Create a Workspace Response Attributes

See The Workspace Object for the details on the response attributes.

Response201 Created

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "id": 123456,
        "name": "My New Workspace",
        "userId": 123456,
        "created": 1599742832,
        "updated": 1599742832,
        "enabled": true,
        "dedicatedIpsEnabled": true,
        "privateLocationsEnabled": true,
        "owner": {
            "id": 123456,
            "email": "",
            "displayName": "My Name"
        "membersCount": 1,
        "allowance": {
            "amount": 10,
            "type": "credits"
        "accountId": 123456,
        "features": {
            "webdriver": true,
            "multi": true,
            "multi-location": true,
            "multiLocation": true,
            "dedicatedIps": true,
            "privateLocations": true,
            "functionalTest": true,
            "mobileRecorder": true,
            "disableResultsEmail": true,
            "privilegedFlagToggle": false,
            "pivotsReport": true,
            "externalFunctionalMobileTest": true,
            "proxyRecorderForPrivateCloud": false,
            "userExperienceTestingPrivateCloud": false,
            "disableV4URLTest": false,
            "disableOTC": true,
            "ignoreNTCValidationFailed": false,
            "secureV4Image": false,
            "disableNTCAutoSave": false,
            "jupyterNotebook": false,
            "V4PCOriginalTestConfig": false,
            "enableJetlagPipeline": false,
            "disableJetlagPipeline": false,
            "disableJetpackPipeline": false,
            "disableJetlagPipelineForPrivateCloud": false,
            "daggerAsDefaultReportForPrivateCloud": false,
            "isGridTestChargeEnabled": false,
            "keyboardShortcuts": true,
            "disableAccountHarborBatchProvisioning": false,
            "testScheduler": false,
            "privateCloudScheduler": false,
            "v4MasterCommandsForPrivateCloud": false,
            "v4MasterCommandsRpsForPrivateCloud": false,
            "rootlessCraneImages": false,
            "stagingAccount": false,
            "anchorServices": false,
            "JPMCProdBanner": false,
            "hideChromeExtensionButton": false,
            "enableFunctionalGuiForPrivateCloud": false,
            "craneNetworkModeHost": false,
            "cloudResourceUsageReport": true,
            "keycloakForPrivateCloud": false,
            "mockServicesForPrivateCloud": false,
            "ardForPrivateCloud": false,
            "devTest": true,
            "functionalGuiBuilder": false,
            "ard": true,
            "objectRepository": true,
            "showReportHistoryIdColumn": false,
            "redirectAllTabsToRunscope": false,
            "skipCheckScenariosLimit": false,
            "sendDataToGooglePipeline": false,
            "ardBeta": true,
            "ardLegacy": false,
            "tdm": true,
            "enableContainerReplicas": false,
            "gridWindows": false,
            "enableSecrets": true,
            "queueTest": true,
            "queueFunctionalTest": true,
            "blazeVSE": true,
            "telemetryLegacySKU": true,
            "upstreamProxy": false,
            "enableTestYamlEdit": true,
            "useSelenium4": true,
            "slowPipeline": false,
            "disableSlowPipeline": false,
            "taurusV4": false,
            "functionalApi": true,
            "apiTestMaker": false,
            "skipCheckV4SessionsLimit": true,
            "v4Jetpack": true,
            "functionalGui": true,
            "enableNTCMockServicesPanel": true,
            "runscope": true,
            "functionalGuiLivestream": true,
            "gridMultipleIterations": true,
            "functionalTestSuite": true,
            "allowWindowsOpl": true,
            "newTest": true,
            "enableNewMultiTest": true,
            "redirectV4": true,
            "userExperienceTesting": true
        "plan": {
            "id": "MYPLAN",
            "name": "MYPLAN",
            "type": "credits",
            "totalCredits": 18000,
            "concurrency": 500000,
            "engines": 1000,
            "isMetered": true,
            "duration": 712,
            "reportRetention": -1,
            "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
            "threadsPerMediumEngine": 1000,
            "createdAt": 1488987563445,
            "updatedAt": 1584375825359,
            "isSandBox": false,
            "trial": {
                "end": null
            "isFreeTier": false,
            "isTrial": false,
            "paymentServiceType": "stripe",
            "unlimitedTestingUpTo": 0,
            "maxWorkspaces": 999,
            "multiLocation": true,
            "maxParallelTests": -1,
            "leftFunctional": 100,
            "quantityFunctional": 100,
            "maxConcurrentBrowsers": -1,
            "maxConcurrentMockServices": -1,
            "mockServicesExpiration": -1,
            "mockServicesMaxReplicas": -1
        "expiration": null,
        "credits": 17639,
        "billing": {
            "defaultPaymentSource": null,
            "city": "",
            "companyName": "",
            "country": "",
            "email": "",
            "fullName": "",
            "phoneNumber": "",
            "postcode": "",
            "street": "",
            "vat": ""
    "request_id": "5f5a23709ab5e"