List Private Locations Supported Browsers

API Explorer: /private-locations/browsers

The sample code returns a list of private locations tied to the API key that was used.

The returned list contains each private location's location Id (shows up as id in the response), name, and supported browser versions.

List Private Locations Supported Browsers

curl '' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

List Private Locations Supported Browsers Parameters

All timestamps are in UNIX Epoch time.


  • accountId integer

    The accountId you are wanting to get the list of private locations and their supported browsers

  • workspaceId integer

    The accountId you are wanting to get the list of private locations and their supported browsers

  • types[] string

    Denotes what type of private location you want returned. The accepted values are as follows:
    small - This represents a Shared private location type
    large - This represents a Dedicated private lcoation type

Also see: Pagination and Sorting

List Private Locations Supported Browsers Response Attributes


  • idstring

    The location Id of the private location

  • namestring

    The name of the private location

  • browserVersionsobject

    All browser versions information

Response200 OK

  "limit": 10,
  "skip": 0,
  "total": 0,
  "hidden": 0,
  "api_version": 4,
  "error": null,
  "result": [
      "id": "harbor-5da77211ea73e4f27d7cd6a5",
      "name": "My OPL",
      "browserVersions": {
        "firefox": [
        "chrome": [
      "id": "harbor-5da782b9813af817563aada3",
      "name": "My CI OPL",
      "browserVersions": {
        "firefox": [
        "chrome": [
      "id": "harbor-5da782dbaef98819f87ed165",
      "name": "My Load Engine Location",
      "browserVersions": {
        "firefox": [
        "chrome": [
  "request_id": "5e0a829838fc0"