Update a Test Suite

API Explorer: /multi-tests/{collectionId}

To update a test suite, use PUT to change the provided configuration for a given test suite (you need to know the collectionId). The sample code updates a test suite with an ID of 12345678 (the 12345678 is contained in the URL) with the new configuration of using the MyTest.jmx script.

If you do not know the collectionId of the test suite to update, use List Test Suites to return a list of your created test suites.

Update a Test Suite

curl 'https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/multi-tests/12345678' \
    -X PUT \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
    -d '{"description": "This is an update."}'

Update a Test Suite Request Attributes


  • descriptionstring

    The description of the test suite. Will be null if empty

Update a Test SuiteUpdate a Test Suite PUT Body (JSON)

  "description": "This is an update."

Update a Test Suite Response Attributes

For the all the supported attributes, see the The Multi-Test Object.

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "id": 12345678,
        "name": "API Created Functional Suite Test",
        "description": "This is an update.",
        "collectionType": "functionalTestSuite",
        "userId": 123456,
        "items": [],
        "oldVersionId": null,
        "lastRunTime": null,
        "draftId": null,
        "filesToSplit": [],
        "dataFiles": [],
        "creatorClientId": "gui",
        "testsForExecutions": [
                "testId": 1234567,
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 1,
                        "iterations": 1,
                        "locations": {
                            "harbor-58d3b97ff132adc0347b23c6": 1
                        "locationsWeighted": true,
                        "testId": 1234567,
                        "scenario": "My Scenario"
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "iterations": 1,
                        "executor": "taurus"
        "migratedFromTestCollectionId": null,
        "migratedToTestId": null,
        "v4MigratedDate": null,
        "underMigration": null,
        "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
        "created": 1591994426,
        "updated": 1591994928,
        "note": null,
        "projectId": 123456,
        "lastUpdatedById": null,
        "kpiTrackingData": null,
        "tests": [
                "id": 1234567,
                "isNewTest": true,
                "lastRunTime": 1586202190,
                "name": "API Functional Validation Test",
                "userId": 123456,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "iterations": 1,
                        "executor": "taurus"
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 1,
                        "iterations": 1,
                        "locations": {
                            "harbor-58d3b97ff132adc0347b23c6": 1
                        "locationsWeighted": true,
                        "scenario": "My Scenario"
                "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                "dependencies": [],
                "created": 1586201920,
                "updated": 1586202071,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "functionalApi",
                    "canControlRampup": false,
                    "targetThreads": 0,
                    "enableMockServices": false,
                    "scriptType": "taurus",
                    "filename": "blazemeterscript.yaml",
                    "testMode": "http",
                    "extraSlots": 0
        "masters": []
    "request_id": "5ee3ea305c6c4"