The Multi-Test Object

All timestamps are in UNIX Epoch Time.


  • idinteger


    The collectionId of the test suite

  • namestring


    The name of the test suite

  • descriptionstring

    The description of the test suite. Will be null if empty

  • collectionTypestring



    They type of multi test this is. Will always be functionalTestSuite for test suites

  • userIdinteger


    The unique identifier of the user. Also knwon as the userId

  • lastRunTimeinteger


    The timestamp of the last run

  • filesToSplitarray

    List of data files that have split CSV turned on. Not used in test suites

  • dataFilesarray

    List of data files attached to multi test. Not used in test suites

  • creatorClientIdstring


    The ID of the creator client. For example, api, or gui

  • testsForExecutionsarray


    The list of tests that will be executed with this multi test

  • shouldSendReportEmailboolean

    Denotes whether an email is sent upon completion of a test run

  • createdinteger


    The time that the test was created

  • updatedinteger


    The time that the test was updated

  • projectIdinteger


    The projectId to which this test belongs

  • lastUpdatedByIdinteger


    The userId of the last user that updated the test

  • testsarray


    A list of test details attached to this test suite

  • mastersarray


    A list of master details attached to this test suite

The Multi-Test Object

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "id": 12345678,
        "name": "Functional Test Validation",
        "description": null,
        "collectionType": "functionalTestSuite",
        "userId": 123456,
        "items": [],
        "oldVersionId": null,
        "lastRunTime": 1586202190,
        "draftId": null,
        "filesToSplit": [],
        "dataFiles": [],
        "creatorClientId": "gui",
        "testsForExecutions": [
                "testId": 1234567,
                "executions": [
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                        "iterations": 1,
                        "locations": {
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                        "executor": "selenium",
                        "testId": 1235467,
                        "scenario": "Scenario 1"
                "overrideExecutions": []
                "testId": 2345678,
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 1,
                        "iterations": 1,
                        "locations": {
                            "harbor-5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8": 1
                        "locationsWeighted": true,
                        "testId": 2345678,
                        "scenario": "My Scenario"
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "iterations": 1,
                        "executor": "taurus"
        "migratedFromTestCollectionId": null,
        "migratedToTestId": null,
        "v4MigratedDate": null,
        "underMigration": null,
        "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
        "created": 1586202000,
        "updated": 1592571681,
        "note": null,
        "projectId": 123456,
        "lastUpdatedById": null,
        "kpiTrackingData": null,
        "tests": [
                "id": 1234567,
                "isNewTest": true,
                "lastRunTime": 1587683984,
                "name": "Santander Proxy GUI Functional Validation Test",
                "userId": 123456,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [],
                "executions": [
                        "iterations": 1,
                        "locations": {
                            "harbor-5b86c7f5e86da28c337b23c6": 1
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                "updated": 1587683980,
                "configuration": {
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                    "filename": "test.yaml",
                    "testMode": "script"
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                "isNewTest": true,
                "lastRunTime": 1592571681,
                "name": "API Functional Validation Test",
                "userId": 123456,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [
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                        "executor": "taurus"
                "executions": [
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                        "iterations": 1,
                        "locations": {
                            "harbor-5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8": 1
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                "dependencies": [],
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                "updated": 1592571681,
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                    "filename": "blazemeterscript.yaml",
                    "testMode": "http",
                    "extraSlots": 0
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        "masters": [
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                "name": "Functional Test Validation",
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                "ended": 1586202434,
                "lastUpdate": 1586202211,
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                "runnerUserId": 123456,
                "charges": [],
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                "hasData": true,
                "passed": true,
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                "parallelTestsInAccount": 2,
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                "secondsPerLabelDoc": 60,
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                "locations": [
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                        "test": "API Functional Validation Test",
                        "isEndUserExperience": false
                "isDebugRun": false,
                "executions": [
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                        "scenario": "Scenario 1"
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                        "scenario": "My Scenario"
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                "useV4Pipeline": false,
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                "isSelenium": true,
                "rpsCompatible": false,
                "remoteControlCompatible": false,
                "hasMonitoringData": true,
                "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
                "shouldUseDaggerReport": false,
                "hasDaggerData": false,
                "kinesisStream": "prod-blue_v4pipeline_input",
                "useJetlag": false,
                "jetpackLabels": [],
                "dependencies": [
                "env": "",
                "created": 1586202190,
                "updated": 1586202736,
                "functionalSummary": {
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                    "requestsCount": 1,
                    "errorsCount": 0,
                    "assertions": {
                        "count": 1,
                        "passed": 1
                    "responseTime": {
                        "sum": 558
                    "failedCount": 0,
                    "failedPercentage": 100
                "gridSummary": {
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                    "uniqueSuitesCount": 1,
                    "passedTestCasesCount": 1,
                    "failedTestCasesCount": 0,
                    "brokenTestCasesCount": 0,
                    "totalTestCasesCount": 1,
                    "undefinedTestCasesCount": 0,
                    "testCasesCount": 1,
                    "passedPercent": 1,
                    "started": 1586202407,
                    "ended": 1586202412,
                    "definedStatus": "passed"
                "testSuiteSummary": {
                    "testsResult": [
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                            "testName": "GUI Functional Validation Test",
                            "testType": "functionalGui",
                            "definedStatus": "passed",
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                            "suitesTotal": 1,
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                            "sessionsTotal": 1,
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                            "ended": 1586202412.6374972
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                            "testName": "API Functional Validation Test",
                            "testType": "functionalApi",
                            "started": 1586202190,
                            "ended": 1586202408,
                            "definedStatus": "passed",
                            "suitesPassed": 1,
                            "suitesTotal": 1,
                            "sessionsPassed": 1,
                            "sessionsTotal": 1
                    "uniqueLocationNames": [
                        "EU West (London) - Functional GUI Test",
                        "Functional Testing Default Location"
                    "suiteSummary": {
                        "suitesPassed": 2,
                        "suitesTotal": 2,
                        "sessionsPassed": 2,
                        "sessionsTotal": 2,
                        "definedStatus": "passed",
                        "started": 1586202190,
                        "ended": 1586202412.6374972
                    "updated": 1586202736
    "request_id": "5eee21a68abcb"