List Private Locations

API Explorer: /private-locations

To return a list of created private locations, an accountId or a workspaceId is required. The sample code returns a list of private locations within an accountId of 123456 and a workspaceId of 123456. Use the actual ID values for the account or workspace to return the list of its private locations.

The response shown contains one private location. Additional private locations for the specified criteria would be contained after the 5db9c5640634d626d0665efc listing.

You can return a list specifying either a accountId, a workspaceId, or both. The returned list contains each private location's harborId (shows up as id in the response) and configuration.

List Private Locations Parameters


  • accountId integer


    The accountId you want to use to get the list of private locations

  • workspaceId integer


    The workspaceId you want to use to get the list of private locations

  • types[] string

    Filters the returned agent list to specific private location types. The following values are possible values:
    small - This type references the Shared private location type
    large - This type references the Dedicated private location type

Also see: Pagination and Sorting

List Private Locations

curl '' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

List Private Locations Response Attributes

To see a breakdown of the attributes, please see The Private Location Object section.

Response200 OK

    "limit": 10,
    "skip": 0,
    "total": 2,
    "hidden": 0,
    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": [
            "id": "5db9c5640634d626d0665efc",
            "name": "Example Private Location",
            "userId": 123456,
            "consoleXms": 1024,
            "consoleXmx": 4096,
            "engineXms": 1024,
            "engineXmx": 4096,
            "threadsPerEngine": 300,
            "slots": 5,
            "type": "small",
            "funcIds": [
            "hidden": false,
            "disabled": false,
            "created": 1572455780,
            "updated": 1572539142,
            "accountId": 123456,
            "shipsId": [
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                    "name": "New Agent",
                    "address": "",
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                    "state": "idle",
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                    "lastCommandOutput": "",
                    "isLocked": false,
                    "installedVersion": "3.1.17-1526",
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