Account User List

API Explorer: /accounts/{accountId}/users

To return a list of the account users, an accountId is required. The sample code returns a list of users within accountId of 123456. Use the actual ID value for the account to return the list of the users in your account.

The user list will include all enabled and disabled users.
If you do not know the accountId of the account, use view the accountId glossary section for the details on where to find this value.

Account User List

curl '' \
    --user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret'

Account User List Parameters


  • roles array

    The roles you are wanting to get the list of account users for. Uses the following format: roles[]=${role}. These values can be any of the following:
    admin - Account admin role
    billing - Account billing role
    standard - Account standard role
    user_manager - Account user manager role

  • excludeRoles array

    The roles you are wanting to exclude from the list of account users. Uses the following format: excludeRoles[]=${role}. These values can be any of the following:
    admin - Account admin role
    billing - Account billing role
    standard - Account standard role
    user_manager - Account user manager role

  • enabled boolean

    Denotes if you are wanting to get a list of account users that are enabled (if true) or disabled (if false)

  • textFilter string

    Filters the returned account user list to any account user emails that match the given string

Also see: Pagination

Account User List Response Attributes

All timestamps are in UNIX Epoch time.


  • idinteger

    The userId of the user

  • emailstring

    The email address of the user

  • displayNamestring

    The display name of the user

  • firstNamestring

    The first name of the user

  • lastNamestring

    The last name of the user

  • logininteger

    The timestamp of the last login to BlazeMeter

  • accessinteger

    The timestamp of the access to BlazeMeter

  • rolesarray

    An array of account roles that will be assigned to the user. Only ONE role should be assigned for any user, with the execption of the account owner role. The following are the available roles:
    admin - Account admin role
    billing - Account billing role
    standard - Account standard role
    user_manager - Account user manager role

  • enabledboolean

    Denotes if the user is enabled or disabled in the account

  • lastAccessinteger

    The timestamp of the last access to BlazeMeter

Response200 OK

    "limit": 10,
    "skip": 0,
    "total": 2,
    "hidden": 0,
    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": [
            "id": 123456,
            "email": "",
            "displayName": "Owner Name",
            "firstName": "Owner",
            "lastName": "Name",
            "login": 1573145246,
            "access": 1573227166,
            "roles": [
            "enabled": true,
            "lastAccess": 1573227166
            "id": 234567,
            "email": "",
            "displayName": "Standard Name",
            "firstName": "Standard",
            "lastName": "Name",
            "login": 1506347921,
            "access": 1520965347,
            "roles": [
            "enabled": false,
            "lastAccess": 1520965347,
            "type": "account"
    "request_id": "5dc58b956e81b"