Update a Master

API Explorer: /masters/{masterId}

To update a test, use PATCH to change the provided configuration for a given test (you need to know the masterId). The sample code updates a master with an ID of 12345678 (the 12345678 is contained in the URL) with a new master name Assertions in V4 - Report Name and a note of This is a note.

If you do not know the masterId of the master to update, use List Masters to return a list of your created masters.

See the Master Object for the attributes that you can modify.

Update a Master

curl 'https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/masters/12345678' \
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
	--user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
	-d '{"note": "This is a note", "name": "Assertions in V4 - Report Name"}'

Update a Master Request Attributes


  • note string

    Contains notes for the given master

  • name string

    The test report name

Update a MasterUpdate a Master PATCH Body (JSON)

	"note": "This is a note",
	"name": "Assertions in V4 - Report Name"

Update a Master Response Attributes

See the Master Object for a detailed breakdown of the master object.

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "id": 12345678,
        "name": "Assertions in V4 - Report Name",
        "userId": 123456,
        "ended": 1599142726,
        "delayedStartReady": false,
        "runnerUserId": 123456,
        "charges": [],
        "terminateWorkersExecuted": false,
        "maxUsers": 10,
        "hasData": true,
        "passed": true,
        "parallelTestsInWorkspace": 2,
        "parallelTestsInAccount": 2,
        "isPrivateData": false,
        "isQueued": false,
        "creatorClientId": "gui",
        "executorClientId": "gui",
        "secondsPerLabelDoc": 60,
        "labelsCollectionSuffix": "_17_12",
        "locations": [
        "scenariosMapping": [
                "id": "0b0e1f73f1f3868f9d55c5b597dabb6d482099f7e43fe7d5dd3a520bf074a718",
                "name": "default-scenario-1234567",
                "test": "Assertions in V4",
                "isEndUserExperience": false
        "isDebugRun": false,
        "executions": [
                "concurrency": 10,
                "usersNotConfigured": false,
                "holdFor": "59m",
                "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                "rampUp": "1m",
                "steps": 0,
                "locations": {
                    "us-east4-a": 10
                "locationsPercents": {
                    "us-east4-a": 100
                "executor": "jmeter",
                "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
        "concurrency": 10,
        "useV4Pipeline": true,
        "v4IndexerCollection": "{\"execution\":[1],\"execution:1\":[\"r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef\"],\"session:1\":[\"r-v4-5f50ecd1568ef\"],\"location:1\":[\"us-east4-a\"]}",
        "isSelenium": false,
        "rpsCompatible": false,
        "remoteControlCompatible": true,
        "hasMonitoringData": true,
        "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
        "shouldUseDaggerReport": true,
        "hasDaggerData": true,
        "kinesisStream": "prod-purp_v4pipeline_input",
        "useJetlag": false,
        "properties": [
                "pairs": [
                        "key": "myProperty",
                        "value": "aValue"
                "testId": 1234567,
                "locations": [
                "scenarios": [
        "jetpackLabels": [
                "id": "045c62992049f8457bb198fa752a7e771c0fca4ae8eb4321434565da4e79ac24",
                "name": "200, failed sample and failed assertion"
                "id": "f2b5756a9bab9c338cf0c44dde9eda984031035c592f91d8288719c7284845f2",
                "name": "500 and no assertion"
                "id": "825fc37144b48edb93cec4ccec42111f9bc53e76a3dba065b667c77afcb207e6",
                "name": "401 and failed assertion"
                "id": "890c0b72d2943fb411229ab61aab9ce9ba1c44b60ca86a995c502884c2c23f48",
                "name": "200, failed sample and no assertion"
                "id": "b5c7aed7cd2a308523e7d2847b7815909e864b2fd9c4ea88b00d35adb2ecdfd7",
                "name": "ALL"
                "id": "c5448e20c2691dc557a8300817badbdc8944dfec39e1416d183c6bc20a2620a7",
                "name": "200 and failed assertion"
                "id": "a240fdd4814411a72df79a9cc58ccd899701cfb24c5312e423711095c356bb39",
                "name": "200 and successfull assertion"
                "id": "aad2c8fe5349f04f2abcbe2663225ee32a2d58032826b2e3df5c6ac774db0faf",
                "name": "400 and successfull assertion"
        "dependencies": [
        "env": "https://a.blazemeter.com",
        "enableFailureCriteria": {
            "7056614": true
        "enableLoadConfiguration": true,
        "created": 1599139024,
        "updated": 1599158139,
        "note": "This is a note",
        "thresholds": [
                "thresholds": [
                        "field": "responseTime.percentile.90",
                        "label": "200 and successfull assertion",
                        "op": "gt",
                        "stopTestOnViolation": true,
                        "value": "2000",
                        "isEmpty": false
                        "field": "responseTime.avg",
                        "label": "I don't exixt",
                        "op": "lt",
                        "stopTestOnViolation": false,
                        "value": "44",
                        "isEmpty": false
                "ignoreRampup": true,
                "fromTaurus": false,
                "slidingWindow": true,
                "testId": 1234567
    "request_id": "5f51377b3ea16"