The Master Object

NOTE: All timestamps are in UNIX Epoch Time.


  • idinteger


    The unique identifier of the master. This is known as the masterId and cannot be modified

  • namestring


    The test report name

  • userIdinteger


    The unique identifier of the user

  • publicTokenstring

    The public token that is added to the report link to share the report. Can be added with the Add a Public Token API

  • endedinteger


    End time of this master (or test report)

  • lastUpdateinteger


    Time of last sample of this master (or test report)

  • delayedStartReadyboolean


    Denotes whether the test run was delayed to sync with other engines

  • runnerUserIdinteger


    The user ID of the user to run the test

  • maxUsersinteger


    Maximum concurrency reached

  • createdinteger


    The time that the test was created

  • updatedinteger


    The time that the test was last updated

  • reportStatusstring


    Indicates the ending status of the report. Value can be pass, fail, unset, error, abort, or noData

  • notestring

    Contains notes for the given master

  • passedboolean


    Denotes whether the test run passed or failed its test criteria. See the Thresholds Statistics section for details

  • parallelTestsInWorkspaceinteger


    Number of tests running in parallel in the workspace with this test

  • parallelTestsInAccountinteger


    Number of tests running in parallel in the account with this test

  • isPrivateDataboolean


    Denotes if the data was generated from Private Cloud instance

  • creatorClientIdstring


    The ID of the creator client of the test. For example, api, or gui

  • executorClientIdstring


    The ID of the creator client of the test run (master). For example, api, or gui

  • secondsPerLabelDocinteger


    Denotes the KPI interval of the reports by default

  • isDebugRunboolean


    Denotes if this was a Debug test run

  • locationsarray


    The locations (by location id) where the test ran

  • scenariosMappingarray


    The list of scenarios tied to this test run

  • executionsarray

    The list of excution details for this test run

  • isSeleniumboolean


    Denotes if this test ran with Selenium

  • rpsCompatibleboolean


    Denotes if this test ran with the RPS control feature

  • remoteControlCompatibleboolean


    Denotes if this test ran with the Remote Control feature

  • hasDataboolean


    Denotes if this test returned data or not

  • propertiesarray

    The list of JMeter properties used in this test run

  • dependenciesarray

    The Service Virtualization details to be used with this test

  • testIdinteger


    Denotes if the testId tied to the master (or test report)

  • testCollectionIdinteger


    Denotes if the collectionId tied to the master (or test report)

  • projectIdinteger


    Denotes if the projectId the master (or test report) is located

  • sessionsIdarray


    Contains a list of all the sessionIds assigned to the master (or test report)

    Note: When running GET sessions/{sessionId}, you can add withMessages=true parameter to retrieve the messages received on the specific session.

  • hasErrorsPerIntervalboolean

    Denotes if the test run has errors

  • sessionsarray


    Contains a list of all the sessionIds assigned to the master (or test report)

  • jetpackLabelsarray

    The jetpack (V4) label information

  • messagesstring

    Includes error messages related to the report.

    Note: This attribute only appears when running the API with withMessages=true parameter.

    Example response: "messages": [{"_id": 9,"code": "ERROR_MASTER_DEPENDENCY_TIMEOUT","level": "ERROR","message": "Timeout occurred while trying to retrieve Virtual Service Configuration / Test Data. Please try again later.","priority": 4,"logs": false}],

  • aggregatedMessagesstring

    Includes error messages related to the sessions running for this report, with the corresponding sessionIds.

    Note: This attribute only appears when running the API with withMessages=true parameter.

    Example response: "aggregatedMessages": [ { "sessions": [ "r-v4-62d67e2e860b9398863839" ], "code": "ERROR_SESSION_GENERAL_TAURUS", "level": "ERROR", "message": "An error occurred during execution. Most likely the error was in the test configuration. Please check the bzt.log in the Logs tab to find the issue and fix it before running the test again.", "priority": 1, "logs": true } ]

The Master Object

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "id": 12345678,
        "name": "Full Test Example",
        "userId": 123456,
        "publicToken": "i4QiExnJ7Sz6RXsmeJWmKGoq4mZEepU9k5ZPSDwnLlQVn8PF19",
        "ended": 1599076624,
        "lastUpdate": 1599075313,
        "delayedStartReady": true,
        "runnerUserId": 123456,
        "charges": [],
        "maxUsers": 20,
        "created": 1599075175,
        "updated": 1599077683,
        "reportStatus": "pass",
        "note": "This is a note",
        "passed": true,
        "parallelTestsInWorkspace": 1,
        "parallelTestsInAccount": 1,
        "isPrivateData": false,
        "creatorClientId": "gui",
        "executorClientId": "gui",
        "secondsPerLabelDoc": 60,
        "labelsCollectionSuffix": "_17_12",
        "isDebugRun": false,
        "locations": [
        "scenariosMapping": [
                "id": "62efbba7487d22dc23663844121493c09a1ac48b71c4a30d6c30cc97610c7ece",
                "name": "default-scenario-1234567",
                "test": "Full Test Example",
                "isEndUserExperience": false
                "id": "a554ead1bb83b8a545cd841054cb3d0cb346b92b0a5b813652002a4d1a6e7485",
                "name": "End User Experience for Full Test Example",
                "test": "Full Test Example",
                "isEndUserExperience": true
        "executions": [
                "concurrency": 20,
                "usersNotConfigured": false,
                "holdFor": "19m",
                "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                "rampUp": "1m",
                "steps": 0,
                "throughput": 10,
                "locations": {
                    "us-east4-a": 10,
                    "us-east1-b": 10
                "locationsPercents": {
                    "us-east4-a": 50,
                    "us-east1-b": 50
                "executor": "jmeter",
                "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                "concurrency": 1,
                "holdFor": "1200s",
                "durationIsNotConfigured": false,
                "executor": "selenium",
                "executionSource": "endUserExperience",
                "scenario": "End User Experience for Full Test Example"
        "useV4Pipeline": true,
        "isSelenium": false,
        "hasMonitoringData": true,
        "rpsCompatible": false,
        "remoteControlCompatible": true,
        "hasDaggerData": true,
        "hasData": true,
        "shouldUseDaggerReport": true,
        "properties": [
                "pairs": [
                        "key": "newProperty",
                        "value": "aValue"
                "testId": 1234567,
                "locations": [
                "scenarios": [
                "pairs": [
                        "key": "blazemeter.throughput",
                        "value": 10
                "locations": [
                "scenarios": [
        "dependencies": [
                "services": [
                        "service": "BlazeDemo",
                        "mock-service": "Entries Virtual Service",
                        "mock-service-template": "Blazedemo Entries Template"
        "testId": 1234567,
        "projectId": 123456,
        "sessionsId": [
        "thumbnailUrl": null,
        "hasErrorsPerInterval": true,
        "sessions": [
        "jetpackLabels": [
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                "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-5"
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                "name": "Dummy Sampler 6-5"
                "id": "91132961357b44bcca8cd41ab98e51ea52bb79635a6fbd2ed846793db5327960",
                "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-2"
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                "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-3"
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                "name": "Dummy Sampler 7-5"
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                "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-3"
                "id": "c013b818a253f344d1109bebece47c68eefb8a09e7614ad6665a53faf52bcc5b",
                "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-4"
                "id": "6db63263206a77caf33733fa38cca9daa3af616ee02fa331cdf4ef08ff07c20c",
                "name": "Dummy Sampler 10-1"
                "id": "8d2c3b33df4519ef590751a725db1ab4f2d8af63f0230ecb8dfa04395b49142c",
                "name": "Dummy Sampler 1-3"
                "id": "ddb1b74c3f9f21baac105072fbd95e879a946f47e23e40d7c00565a99acacd7d",
                "name": "Dummy Sampler 8-5"
                "id": "5322c068c11819ca569e53f83db83ee0c7de04f131f5163d67071cb1697cce49",
                "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-1"
                "id": "778b52e53a9424f23a05b4702455800f338e8990d5cfdf01606ea25eb1d6dcfc",
                "name": "Dummy Sampler 9-2"
    "request_id": "5f4ffd4318af4"