Edit Tests in Multi-Test

API Explorer /collections/{collectionId}/override-tests-executions

To edit a test in a multi-test, you need to provide the index of the test you want to change and setting the overrideExecutions values to the desired values. You will need to know where in the list of tests the test you want to edit resides in using either the Add Tests to Multi-Test response or List Multi-Tests.

The sample code to the right is changing the number of users for the first test in the multi-test with collectionId of 12345678. Replace the values for each attribute in the test you want to change and replace collectionId 12345678 with the collectionId of your multi-test.

Edit Tests in Multi-Test

curl 'https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/collections/12345678/override-tests-executions' \
						-X PUT \
						-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
						--user 'api_key_id:api_key_secret' \
						-d '{"index":0,"overrideExecutions":[{"concurrency":10,"executor":"jmeter","holdFor":"19m","locations":{"us-east-1":10},"locationsPercents":{"us-east-1":100},"rampUp":"1m","steps":0,"locationsWeighted":null}]}'

Edit Tests in Multi-Test Request Attributes

Note: For a full list of the overrideExecutions that are available, see the The Test Object section and view all the available attributes for overrideExecutions.


  • indexinteger


    Denotes which test will be updated. For example, 0 will reference the first test attached to the multi-test

  • overrideExecutionsarray

    The test settings used when running the test in BlazeMeter

Edit Tests in Multi-TestEdit Tests in Multi-Test POST Body (JSON)

	"index": 0,
	"overrideExecutions": [
			"concurrency": 10,
			"executor": "jmeter",
			"holdFor": "19m",
			"locations": {
			"us-east-1": 10
			"locationsPercents": {
			"us-east-1": 100
			"rampUp": "1m",
			"steps": 0

Edit Tests in Multi-Test Response Attributes

For the full details of all the attributes for the Performance Test, you can visit The Multi Test Object.

Response200 OK

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "id": 12345678,
        "name": "My Multi-Test",
        "description": null,
        "collectionType": "multiV4",
        "userId": 123456,
        "items": [],
        "oldVersionId": null,
        "lastRunTime": null,
        "draftId": null,
        "filesToSplit": [],
        "dataFiles": [],
        "creatorClientId": "api",
        "testsForExecutions": [
                "testId": 1234567,
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 10,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 10
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "testId": 1234567,
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 10,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 10
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locationsWeighted": null
                "testId": 2345678,
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "testId": 2345678,
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0
        "migratedFromTestCollectionId": null,
        "migratedToTestId": null,
        "v4MigratedDate": null,
        "underMigration": null,
        "shouldSendReportEmail": true,
        "created": 1552063283,
        "updated": 1552077214,
        "note": null,
        "projectId": 123456,
        "lastUpdatedById": null,
        "kpiTrackingData": null,
        "tests": [
                "id": 1234567,
                "isNewTest": true,
                "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                "name": "New Dummy Test V4 2",
                "userId": 123456,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-1234567"
                "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                "created": 1542289535,
                "updated": 1552060217,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "taurus",
                    "canControlRampup": false,
                    "targetThreads": 500,
                    "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                    "scriptType": "jmeter",
                    "threads": 500,
                    "filename": "Dummy.jmx",
                    "testMode": "",
                    "plugins": {
                        "jmeter": {
                            "version": "auto"
                        "thresholds": {
                            "thresholds": [],
                            "ignoreRampup": false,
                            "slidingWindow": false
                "fileErrors": []
                "id": 2345678,
                "isNewTest": true,
                "lastRunTime": 1552060161,
                "name": "Parallel Controller Script V4",
                "userId": 123456,
                "creatorClientId": "gui",
                "overrideExecutions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0
                "executions": [
                        "concurrency": 20,
                        "holdFor": "19m",
                        "rampUp": "1m",
                        "steps": 0,
                        "locations": {
                            "us-east-1": 20
                        "locationsPercents": {
                            "us-east-1": 100
                        "executor": "jmeter",
                        "scenario": "default-scenario-2345678"
                "shouldSendReportEmail": false,
                "created": 1545324446,
                "updated": 1552060219,
                "configuration": {
                    "type": "taurus",
                    "canControlRampup": false,
                    "targetThreads": 500,
                    "executionType": "taurusCloud",
                    "scriptType": "jmeter",
                    "threads": 500,
                    "filename": "DummyParallelControllerGenerateParent.jmx",
                    "testMode": "",
                    "plugins": {
                        "jmeter": {
                            "version": "auto"
                        "thresholds": {
                            "thresholds": [],
                            "ignoreRampup": false,
                            "slidingWindow": false
                "fileErrors": []
        "masters": []