The Private Location Object

All timestamps are in UNIX Epoch time.


  • idstring


    The harborId of the private location

  • namestring


    The name of the private location

  • userIdinteger


    The userId of the user to access the API

  • consoleXmsinteger

    The minimum memory usage for JVM Arguments. Must match engineXms

  • consoleXmxinteger

    The maximum memory usage for JVM Arguments. Must match engineXmx

  • engineXmsinteger

    The minimum memory usage for JVM Arguments. Must match consoleXms

  • engineXmxinteger

    The maximum memory usage for JVM Arguments. Must match consoleXmx

  • threadsPerEngineinteger


    The maximum number of threads per instance you can run with. The max value is plan dependent or 1000 threads, whichever is the smallest

  • slotsinteger


    This controls the number of "engines" that can run in one agent. If type is "large", this must be 1. If type is "small", this can vary

  • typestring

    The type of private location to create (only accepts "large" or "small"). The "large" version refers to the Dedicated engine, while the "small" version refers to a Shared engine, as explained in Creating a Private Location (

  • disabledboolean

    Denotes if the private location is disabled (if true) or not (if false)

  • hiddenboolean


    Denotes if the private location is hidden or not. No longer used

  • createdinteger


    The timestamp of when the private location was created

  • updatedinteger


    The timestamp of when the private location was updated

  • accountIdinteger


    The accountId the private location is tied to

  • shipsIdarray


    The list of shipIds that are tied to the private location

  • workspacesIdarray


    The list of workspaceIds that the private location is available in. These workspaceIds must be included in the same accountId

  • funcIdsarray


    The list of functionalities that this private location will use. For Dedicated ("large") type, ONLY ONE functionality can be used, while the Shared ("small") can have one or more functionalities. Visit this link for full list of functionalities. If you are using private cloud, see this link

  • shipsarray


    A list of ship/server objects describing the agents available in the private location

**The Private Location Object

    "api_version": 4,
    "error": null,
    "result": {
        "id": "5b0323b3c648be3b4c7b23c8",
        "name": "Example Private Location",
        "userId": 123456,
        "consoleXms": 1024,
        "consoleXmx": 4096,
        "engineXms": 1024,
        "engineXmx": 4096,
        "threadsPerEngine": 1000,
        "slots": 1,
        "type": "large",
        "disabled": false,
        "hidden": false,
        "created": 1526932403,
        "updated": 1593104036,
        "accountId": 123456,
        "shipsId": [
                "$oid": "5dd841d46c6cd5b0064fa941"
        "workspacesId": [
        "funcIds": [
        "ships": [
                "id": "5dd841d46c6cd5b0064fa941",
                "name": "Example Agent",
                "address": "",
                "publicIpAddress": "",
                "disabled": false,
                "state": "idle",
                "lastHeartBeat": 1593113786,
                "lastCommandOutput": "",
                "isLocked": false,
                "installedVersion": "3.5.14",
                "hostInfo": {
                    "diskSpace": {
                        "/tmp": {
                            "present": true,
                            "freeSpace": 20941426688,
                            "freePercent": 50.399999999999999
                    "platform": [
                    "containerManager": {
                        "type": "DockerManager",
                        "usingDockerRegistry": true,
                        "info": {
                            "operatingSystem": "Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS",
                            "operatingSystemType": "linux",
                            "memory": 8364474368,
                            "cpus": 2,
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                            "dockerVersion": "18.09.1",
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                                    "Created": 1592135649,
                                    "Id": "sha256:51742f8148452b6a430d36f2e48d282e1d14adc21f816abb8d807989e1d6a116",
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                                    "Id": "sha256:b2437a3424f204ced0d50248d0730bd77d91524e2c25b607b1a86ac7a9f3714d",
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                                    "RepoDigests": [
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                                    "VirtualSize": 52096988
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                                    "Created": 1590781539,
                                    "Id": "sha256:b599a4dff82d23ee0105080a783e5cc9d1eff950eb22f9e9a16c6b14f7ecae7d",
                                    "Labels": null,
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                                    "RepoDigests": [
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                                    "VirtualSize": 372896323
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                                    "Id": "sha256:44d6f361eef7b27849186dac0680783b9870017f353700b1e8379eb20046640b",
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                                    "VirtualSize": 879555522
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                                    "Created": 1583919985,
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                "isAutoUpdate": true,
                "hasJetlag": true,
                "hasJetpack": true,
                "useMasterFiles": true,
                "uptime": 18661425,
                "portRange": "5000-5556",
                "baseUrl": "",
                "hasProxy": false,
                "verifySSL": true,
                "created": 1574453716,
                "updated": 1593113786,
                "updaterStatus": {
                    "status": "success",
                    "lastUpdateCheck": 1593112089,
                    "nextUpdateCheck": 1593115689
                "ts": 1593113786
    "request_id": "5ef4fcbdb6300"