How to Open a Support Ticket

As a user of BlazeMeter, you may encounter questions or issues that require assistance from our support team. BlazeMeter provides multiple ways to get in touch with our support professionals and receive the help you need.

Before opening a support ticket, we suggest the following:

  • Ensure your test can run locally before running it on BlazeMeter. Ideally, try running it successfully through a local Taurus or JMeter installation.
  • If your test works locally but fails on BlazeMeter, or if it fails to start or hangs indefinitely, search the Support knowledgebase before opening a ticket.
  • If you have issues regarding a specific BlazeMeter test, make sure you provide us with a Test or Report URL to examine. If your issue relates to an API Monitoring Test, please be sure to share an API Monitoring test result.

Email BlazeMeter Support

You can send an email to our dedicated support email address,, and describe your query or issue in detail. Make sure to include relevant information such as your account details, project information, and any error messages you have encountered.

To ensure the best quality of service, please open support tickets using the email address that is associated with the BlazeMeter account that you experienced the issue using if possible. This will allow us to see vital information associated with your account that can speed up the time to resolution for your issue.

Open a Support Ticket

BlazeMeter's ticketing system is another effective way to seek support. By submitting a support ticket, you can provide a detailed description of your issue or question.

To open a support ticket:

  • Either click this link

  • Or, in BlazeMeter, follow these steps:

    1. In BlazeMeter, click the Help Center tab on the right-hand side of the screen.
      Help Center button
    2. Click the Support Tickets button.
      Support Tickets button
    3. Enter the Subject and a Description of your issue. Meanwhile, we will provide the top Knowledge Base articles which you might find helpful regarding your query.
      Support knowledgebase
    4. (Optional) Click Add Files to attach any screenshot or file that might be helpful to our investigation.
    5. Click Continue.

    We'll receive the URL of the exact page you were on when opening this ticket. If you're referring to a specific test/session, it's best to open the ticket while viewing that report so we will get its URL automatically and have the perfect reference for your issue. Your name and email address are already included.

BlazeMeter support hours are 6 AM - 5 PM PST, Monday - Friday. If you open your ticket outside of these hours, then we will get to it at the first opportunity.

You can follow up on your ticket status from here:

Explore Useful Resources

BlazeMeter Forum

JMeter Forum

Taurus Forum