Run BlazeMeter Tests from GitHub Actions

Learn how to create and run BlazeMeter tests from GitHub Actions.

In this integration. GitHub Actions jobs are executed within Docker containers through the utilization of the GitHub Actions framework. A BlazeMeter Docker image has been developed for this integration that performs various functions, including but not limited to, creating a test, running an existing test, updating the test files of an existing test, and so on. Github Actions relies on an action.yml file.

For the full list of BlazeMeter-related functions performed by the Docker image, see Github Actions and BlazeMeter-related Functions.


BlazeMeter and GitHub Actions collaboratively enhance the efficiency of software development processes by seamlessly integrating load testing capabilities with automated workflow execution.

BlazeMeter, a performance testing platform, specializes in simulating real-world user interactions to evaluate the scalability and stability of applications. This platform allows developers to design and execute comprehensive load tests, gauging an application's response under varying levels of traffic. By leveraging BlazeMeter's capabilities, developers can identify performance bottlenecks and optimize their code to ensure robustness and reliability.

GitHub Actions, on the other hand, is a versatile automation platform that facilitates continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. It empowers developers to automate tasks such as code compilation, testing, and deployment, streamlining the development lifecycle. GitHub Actions achieves this by defining workflows that trigger specific actions in response to various events, such as code pushes, pull requests, or issue creation.

When combined, BlazeMeter and GitHub Actions offer a seamless process for integrating performance testing into the development workflow. Developers can incorporate BlazeMeter load tests as pivotal stages within their GitHub Actions workflows. For instance, upon a code push or a pull request, a GitHub Actions workflow can be configured to automatically trigger a BlazeMeter load test, evaluating the application's performance impact resulting from the code changes.

This integration not only bolsters the software's quality and reliability by ensuring that performance considerations are addressed early in the development process but also expedites the identification and resolution of performance-related issues. The combined power of BlazeMeter and GitHub Actions assists development teams in delivering applications that meet high-performance standards while benefiting from an automated, efficient, and integrated development pipeline.

Configure GitHub Actions

This section explains the steps required for generating a basic job within GitHub Actions.

  1. Log in to your GitHub account.

  2. Create a new repository.

    GitHub Actions - Create a new repository

  3. In your new GitHub repository, create a .github/workflows directory .

  4. In the .github/workflows directory, create a file named action.yml.

    GitHub Actions - add file

    GitHub Actions - Create new file

    For example, the following action.yml file prints a bunch of statements to the console.

    GitHub Actions - demo YAML

  5. To save your changes, click Commit.

    GitHub Actions - commit file

You can now run the jobs in your pipeline by navigating to Actions > All workflows.

GitHub Actions - workflow run


Next, create a BlazeMeter test and use BlazeMeter functions in the action.yml file. For more information, continue reading about Github Actions and BlazeMeter-related Functions. For a reference of the variables used, see GitHub Actions and BlazeMeter-related Variables.