GitHub Actions and BlazeMeter-related Variables

There are a number of variables in GitHub Actions that are available for use with BlazeMeter. This topic describes the purpose of each of these variables.

  • apiKey

    • User’s BlazeMeter API Key

    • DataType: String

    • Format

      • apiKey : <apiKey>

  • apiSecret

    • User’s BlazeMeter API Secret

    • DataType: String

    • Format

      • apiSecret: <apiSecret>

  • testID

    • BlazeMeter Test ID

    • DataType: String

    • Format

      • testID : <testID>

  • showTailLog

    • If enabled, shows a running log in real-time in the GitHub console

    • DataType: Boolean (default is true)

    • Format

      • showTailLog : <showTailLog>

  • createTest

    • If enabled, creates a new test in BlazeMeter

    • DataType: Boolean (default is false)

    • Format

      • createTest : <createTest>

  • testName

    • Name of the BlazeMeter Test

    • DataType: String

    • Format

      • testName : <testName>

  • inputAllFiles

    • Used when uploading multiple files while creating or updating the test

    • DataType: String

    • This needs uploadFileCheck flag to be set to true

    • Format

      • inputAllFiles : <inputAllFiles>

  • inputStartFile

    • Used when uploading single start file while creating the test

    • DataType: String

    • Format

      • inputStartFile : <inputStartFile>

  • uploadFileCheck

    • When used in conjunction with inputAllFiles, this must be set to true

    • DataType: Boolean (default is false)

    • Format

      • uploadFileCheck : <uploadFileCheck>

  • totalUsers

    • Number of target concurrent virtual users

    • DataType: Integer (default is 20)

    • Format

      • totalUsers: <totalUsers>

  • duration

    • Time to hold target concurrency (in minutes)

    • DataType: Integer (default is 20)

    • Format

      • duration : <duration>

  • projectID

    • BlazeMeter Project ID

    • DataType: String

    • Format

      • projectID : <projectID>

  • rampUp

    • Ramp-up time to reach target concurrency (in minutes)

    • DataType: String (default is 1 minute)

    • Format

      • rampUp : <rampUp>

  • continuePipeline

    • When set to false, the pipeline waits until the test execution completes (holding up any other subsequent tasks

    • When set to true, the job just kicks off the BlazeMeter test, but continues the execution of subsequent tasks in the pipeline, if any

    • Artifacts can be downloaded to GitHub CI Directory only if this is set to false

    • DataType: Boolean (default is true)

    • Format

      • continuePipeline : <continuePipeline>

  • multiTests

    • If the test being kicked off is a multi-test, this value must be set to true

    • DataType: Boolean (default is false)

    • Format

      • multiTests : <multiTests>

  • functionalTest

    • If a functional test suite is being kicked off, this value must be set to true

    • DataType: Boolean (default is false)

    • Format

      • functionalTest : <functionalTest>

  • modelData

    • Used in cases where the variables inside the Test Data Model need to be updated

    • DataType: String (only key value pairs are accepted in the format shown below)

    • Format

      • modelData : <'{"email": "\"$EMAIL\"", "password": "\"$PASSWORD\""}'>

  • envVariable

    • This is similar to the modelData parameter. The only difference in this case is that instead of updating the test data, this parameter is used to update any variables in an existing Taurus .yaml file

      • For instance, if a Taurus .yaml file has two parameters username and password. To update those values, you can use the format below.

    • Format

      • envVariable:    <’{“username”:"\”$USERNAME\””,”password”:”\”$PASSWORD\””}’>
  • jmeterProperties

    • Used to add Jmeter Properties

    • DataType: String (Key-Value Pairs as shown below)

    • Format

      • jmeterProperties : <”key=value”>

  • reportName

    • Report Name in BlazeMeter

    • DataType: String

    • Format

      • reportName : <report_name>

  • notes

    • Notes section of a given report in BlazeMeter

    • DataType: String

    • Format

      • notes : <notes>

  • iterationsConfig

    • Run a test based on iterations and not duration

    • DataType: Boolean (default is false)

    • Format

      • iterationsConfig : <iterationsConfig>

  • iterations

    • In case of iterations based test, set the number of iterations

    • DataType: Integer (default is 1)

    • Format

      • iterations : <iterations>

  • testRunByTestName

    • Run a test by its name as opposed to its ID

    • DataType: Boolean (default is false)

    • Format

      • testRunByTestName : <testRunByTestName>

  • ignoreSLA

    • When set to true, the job always returns a Success

    • DataType: Boolean (default is false)

    • Format

      • ignoreSLA : <ignoreSLA>

  • webhookURL

    • Used when sending a Microsoft Teams notification for test start, internal report URL, public report URL, test end and test status

    • DataType: String

    • Format

      • webhookURL : <webhookURL>

  • enablePublicReportURL

    • Used when sending a public report URL through a Microsoft Teams notification

    • DataType: Boolean (default is false)

    • Format

      • enablePublicReportURL: <true/false>

  • locations

    A comma separated String value. When set, the test is updated to run on these locations. There are a few important considerations:

    • This is supported only for JMeter tests.

    • If multiple locations are used, the location percentage (% of Traffic) is calculated automatically i.e., 100/ (no. of locations used) for each location.

    • If multiple locations are used, the location percentage (% of Traffic) is calculated automatically i.e., 100/ (no. of locations used) for each location.

    DataType: String (default is “”)


    • locations: "asia-northeast2-a”

    • locations: "asia-northeast2-a, australia-southeast1-a"

  • dedicatedIP

    When set to “true”, test locations used will use the dedicatedIPs if available.

    • DataType: String (default is “false”)

    • Format:

      • dedicatedIP: “true”