Files and Functions Supported by the ShiftLeft Converter

The Loadrunner Script Converter can convert LoadRunner HTTP to JMeter and LoadRunner TruClient to Selenium in a short time. Also, SOAP UI scenarios can also be converted which will result in convert to Taurus and BlazeMeter.

In this article, we provide a list of the supported data and script files, along with a list of supported of LR TruClient and HTTP functions for the converter.


All the files of data inputs (*.DAT files) will be migrated to *.CSV files

TruClient Supported Format and Functions

Any LR scripts written in .C format are supported. Also, .HAR files are now supported. We do not support Java or VisualBasic code.

These actions of TruClient are currently supported:

  • Navigate
  • Add Tab

  • Activate Tab

  • Close Tab

  • Click
  • Double Click

  • Verify
  • Type
  • Select
  • Scroll

  • Wait

  • Evaluate JavaScript
  • If

  • If2

  • For
  • Press Key
  • Resize
  • clearCookies
  • Drag
  • WaitForFileDownload
  • Dialog - Prompt
  • Dialog - Confirm
  • Dialog - Alert
  • Set
  • Set Day
  • Reload

HTTP based protocols Supported Functions, Statements, and Constants

These functions are currently partial or fully supported:

  • web_stop_async

  • lr_set_transaction

  • lr_set_transaction_status

  • var_op

  • lr_think_time

  • adddynatraceheader

  • web_service_set_security

  • lrs_save_searched_string

  • lrs_receive

  • lrs_send

  • lrs_close_socket

  • lrs_create_socket

  • web_concurrent_start

  • web_reg_async_attributes

  • fclose

  • fprintf

  • srand

  • time

  • jms_set_message_property

  • lrmq_save_param_offset

  • lrmq_put_message

  • lrmq_set_put_message

  • lrmq_get_message_descriptor_attribute

  • lrmq_get_last_received_message

  • lrmq_disconnect

  • lrmq_get_message

  • lrmq_connect_ex

  • te_wait_text

  • te_find_text

  • te_get_text_line

  • te_set_cursor_pos

  • te_wait_sync_transaction

  • te_wait_cursor

  • te_wait_sync

  • te_type

  • te_send_text

  • te_disconnect

  • te_connect

  • web_set_max_retries

  • web_link

  • web_set_user

  • web_service_call

  • lr_continue_on_error

  • web_reg_save_param_json

  • web_save_param_length

  • web_reg_save_param_xpath

  • web_convert_param

  • lr_end_timer

  • lr_start_timer

  • strupr

  • strlwr

  • web_concurrent_end

  • return

  • lr_fail_trans_with_error

  • lr_param_sprintf

  • printf

  • sprintf

  • lr_replace

  • lr_message

  • lr_log_message

  • lr_vuser_status_message

  • lr_output_message

  • web_add_auto_filter

  • web_add_filter

  • web_save_timestamp_param

  • web_set_max_html_param_len

  • web_disable_keep_alive

  • web_enable_keep_alive

  • bz_comment

  • lr_abort

  • lr_exit

  • lr_user_data_point

  • lr_eval_string_ext

  • web_set_certificate_ex

  • web_set_option

  • web_set_sockets_option

  • web_revert_auto_header

  • web_reg_save_param_attrib

  • web_reg_save_param_ex

  • web_reg_find

  • web_reg_save_param

  • web_req_save_param

  • web_rest

  • web_custom_request

  • web_remove_cookie

  • web_add_cookie

  • web_cleanup_auto_headers

  • web_add_auto_header

  • web_add_header

  • web_submit_data

  • web_submit_form

  • array_decl

  • sprintf_jsr

  • switch

  • if

  • for

  • while

  • do_while

  • assign

  • lr_end_transaction_sampler

  • lr_status

  • web_url

  • soap_request

  • web_reg_save_param_regexp

  • groovy_expression

  • decl

  • var_decl

  • groovy_from_parameter

  • unsupported_function_parameter

  • element_property_from_parameter

  • jms_send_message_queue

  • lrmq_initialize

  • malloc

  • lrmq_commit

  • lrmq_close

  • lrmq_open

  • lr_start_transaction

  • lr_start_sub_transaction

  • lr_end_transaction

  • lr_end_sub_transaction

  • get_param_in_string

  • for


SOAP UI Supported Format

  • XML file format
  • Upload in .ZIP file.
Functions like database connection, file handling, math functions, string handling or datetime functions are in the roadmap for including in the conversion's support. Also, at this time, we are not supporting concurrent samples, meaning we don't support running multiple samples in parallel. If your script contains these functions, please request personalized assistance to, and a member of the support team will contact you within one business day.

If you have feedback on this feature, simply send it to

For any technical issues or errors, contact us at