Adding Processing Actions to Transactions

Virtual Service Transactions support Processing Actions so a stateless virtual service can simulate state updates or long-running tasks that send several requests over time.

This article covers:


When do you use processing actions? For example, instead of polling the status of a job submitted to your web service, you want it to report its progress back to a client, once per second, so the client can display a progress bar to the user. The web service sends asynchronous requests to a callback URL of your choice.
To simulate similar behaviors in a BlazeMeter virtual service, you configure Processing Actions.

  • Processing Actions can reference values returned in responses of external services. For more information, see the Supported Helper Functions section of the "Adding Parameter Options and Dynamic Responses to Transactions" article.

  • Processing Actions are optional. If defined, they are triggered after the request is matched, and before the response is sent. The webhook trigger additionally starts a timer.

processing actions
The supported Processing Actions are Webhook, HTTP Call, and State Update.

You can use the response of a HTTP Call processing action in another processing action (HTTP Call, Webhook, State Update) or as a part of the Redirect to Live at the transaction level.

To chain actions, reorder them as needed by dragging the handle on the left side of the Action up or down.

If you have defined a proxy on the Service Virtualization level, then its HTTP Actions and Webhooks use the same proxy when making outbound calls. If you do not want those calls to go through the proxy server, add your exceptions in the No Proxy section, similar to:

HTTP Calls

A virtual service can trigger an HTTP request and then use the obtained response in the current transaction response body. The HTTP call is a synchronous call, this means, the virtual service waits for the HTTP call to finish before it sends back the response to the client.

How to Define a HTTP Call Processing Action

  1. Go to the Assets Catalog tab and create or edit a Transaction.
  2. In the Processing Actions tab, click the Plus button to add one or more HTTP Calls.
  3. Define the HTTP Call:
    1. In the Name field, give it a descriptive name.
    2. (Optional) Define one or more Conditions. This processing action only triggers if all conditions are true.

      • Expression
        Enter a property in ${PropertyName} format.

      • Operator

        Enter a comparison operator.

        • equals
        • equals (case insensitive)
        • contains text
        • matches regex
        • does not match regex
        • equals to JSON
        • matches JSON Path
        • equals to XML
        • matches XPath
        • greater than
        • less than
      • Value
        Enter the comparison value that triggers the action.

    3. In the URL field, select a method (for example, GET) and define a request URL that returns a response. This field accepts variables configured in the Configurations tab (such as ${}) as well as Test Data parameters.
      Example: https://${}/call/${path}/${value}

    4. (Optional) Select an SSL Authentication:

      • No Authentication

      • 1-way SSL

      • 2-way SSL
        Select an existing Keystore or upload a new one. Provide the Keystore Password and the password used to access individual keys in the keystore.
        (Optional) To define how to identify during SSL/TLS communication using an alias for a private key entry defined in your keystore, select the Alias and provide an Alias Password.

    5. (Optional) Define Query Parameters.
    6. (Optional) Define Header values.
    7. (Optional) Define the Body value.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Use the response value in the transaction response body with the following syntax. Replace myHttpCallname with your HTTP Call's name to distinguish multiple calls. The syntax supports any handlebar from Wiremock.
  6. Assign this transaction to a virtual service.
  7. Run the virtual service and submit the test job to trigger the virtual service.

Next, you may want to review the log.


  • A single transaction can have up to 20 different HTTP Calls associated with it.


When do I use Think Time and when a webhook?

The difference is that Think Time sends only the virtual service's response with a delay. Using a webhook, the virtual service on its own can schedule sending multiple whole requests asynchronously.


  • A single transaction can have up to 20 different webhook definitions associated with it.
  • A running virtual service can keep up to 1000 webhook calls scheduled at the same time. For example, you can schedule 1000 webhooks, send all of them, and then schedule an additional 1000. Additional scheduled webhooks going over 1000 will however be discarded.

Example Webhook Scenario

In this sample scenario, an API call submits a job, and the client needs to be informed asynchronously whether the job has been queued, when it has finished or failed, and so on. You want to test whether your system tracks the job status correctly -- therefore you want your virtual service to reflect that same behavior and simulate posting asynchronous reactions at certain intervals.

As usual, you start with creating a Transaction that matches the long-running job submission, and that returns an appropriate response, and you assign it to your virtual service.

In the Matcher, you include your custom callback_url query parameter that contains the URL where the client expects to receive updates about this long-running job. You can refer back to this URL as ${request.query.callback_url}.

In this scenario, you create multiple Processing Actions: One webhook handles "job queued", another one handles "job finished", and so on. In the webhooks, you can extract values, such as the job_id from the transaction request body and use them.

The overall process looks like this:

  1. If the transaction matches, the virtual service responds, "The job was submitted", as usual.
  2. Five seconds later, the virtual service triggers the "job queued" webhook.
    1. The webhook posts the status to the provided callback URL ${request.query.callback_url}.
    2. The callback body uses a variable to say: "The job ${jsonPath request.body '$.job_id'} is queued."
  3. Ten seconds later, the virtual service triggers the "job finished" webhook.
    1. The webhook posts to the provided callback URL ${request.query.callback_url}.
    2. The callback body uses a variable to say: "The job ${jsonPath request.body '$.job_id'} has finished."
  4. And so on.

As you see, your virtual service can trigger a series of requests asynchronously.

How to Define a Webhook Processing Action

Typically, you provide the callback URL in a query parameter, in the request body, or in the header of the request that starts a job. It is a good practice to match the callback URL in a transaction to ensure they are present.

  1. Go to the Assets Catalog tab and create or edit a Transaction.
  2. In the Request Matcher tab, include a matcher that ensures that the callback URL is provided.
    For example, use the matches regex operator with a value of ".+" on the callback_url parameter to verify that the callback_url value is present and non-empty.
  3. In the Response tab, you can reference values, as usual.
    For example, you can define the response body as "Job ${jsonPath request.body '$.job_id'} submitted".
  4. In the Processing Actions tab, click the Plus button to add one or more webhooks.
  5. Define the webhook:
    1. In the Name field, give it a descriptive name.
    2. In the Trigger After field, either specify a constant time in milliseconds, or enable the Random Delay Between checkbox and enter a min and max value in milliseconds.
    3. (Optional) Define one or more Conditions. This processing action only triggers if all conditions are true.

      • Expression
        Enter a property in ${PropertyName} format.

      • Operator

        Enter a comparison operator.

        • equals
        • equals (case insensitive)
        • contains text
        • matches regex
        • does not match regex
        • equals to JSON
        • matches JSON Path
        • equals to XML
        • matches XPath
        • greater than
        • less than
      • Value
        Enter the comparison value that triggers the action.

    4. In the Callback URL field, select the method, for example, POST.
    5. In the Callback URL field, define the URL. This field accepts variables configured in the Configurations tab (such as ${}) as well as Test Data parameters.
      Example: https://${}/call/${path}/${value}

    6. (Optional) Select an SSL Authentication:

      • No Authentication

      • 1-way SSL

      • 2-way SSL
        Select an existing Keystore or upload a new one. Provide the Keystore Password and the password used to access individual keys in the keystore.
        (Optional) To define how to identify during SSL/TLS communication using an alias for a private key entry defined in your keystore, select the Alias and provide an Alias Password.

    7. (Optional) Define Query Parameters.
    8. (Optional) Define Header values.
    9. (Optional) Define the Body value.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Assign this transaction to a virtual service.
  8. Run the virtual service and submit the test job to trigger the virtual service.

Next, you may want to review the log.

State Update

When a transaction matches, a virtual service cannot only return a value, but also modify existing data parameters in your Service Data. This processing action is useful to store a virtual service's state or even, for example, to maintain a global counter as part of a test run. Virtual services that trigger State Updates are marked with a "stateful" tag.

This updated state persists even after you stop and restart your virtual service. To reset the state, update your virtual service and then also choose to update your data.

What is Global Scope?

In addition to accessing data parameters in data entities, State Updates can also access data parameters with a global scope. Global data parameters are available to the whole service and are listed in the Global Scope section in your Service Data pane. You create global parameters by clicking the blue Plus button there.


How to Define a State Update Processing Action

You create a State Update processing action inside the transaction that triggers it.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Service Virtualization tab, select Assets Catalog and select a Service.

  2. Verify that the Service has Service Data attached. If not, create or load a Data Entity now.

  3. Create a transaction or open an existing one.

  4. In the Processing Actions tab of the Transaction, click the Plus button to add one or more State Updates.

In the State Change Definition window, define which data parameter you want to update.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Name field, give the Processing Action a descriptive name.

  2. (Optional) Define one or more Conditions. This processing action only triggers if all conditions are true.

    • Expression

      Enter a property in ${PropertyName} format.

    • Operator

      Enter a comparison operator.

      • equals
      • equals (case insensitive)
      • contains text
      • matches regex
      • does not match regex
      • equals to JSON
      • matches JSON Path
      • equals to XML
      • matches XPath
      • greater than
      • less than
    • Value
      Enter the comparison value that triggers the action.

  3. In the State Change Type field, select one of the following actions:

    • Store Object — If the transaction matches, add a row of values to the data entity.

      1. Select a Data Entity.

      2. Click the Plus button to add theSelected Data Parameters in which you want to store values.

      3. Enter the Value to Store to add for the Data Parameter.

    • Update Object — If the transaction matches, update a specific value in an existing row in the data entity.

      1. Select a Data Entity.

      2. To define which rows of the Data Parameters you want to update, fill in the Filter by Data Parameter fields. Select a data parameter column, a comparison operator, and a comparison value.

      3. Click the Plus button to add theSelected Data Parameters in which you want to store values.

      4. Enter a Value to Store that will overwrite the existing value of the Data Parameter.

    • Delete Object — If the transaction matches, delete a specific column value in an existing row in the data entity.

      1. Select a Data Entity.

      2. To define which row and column of the Data Parameters you want to delete, fill in the Filter by Data Parameter fields. Select a data parameter column, a comparison operator, and a comparison value

    • Update Value — If the transaction matches, update a global value.

      1. Select or create a global data parameter.

      2. Define a Value.

    • Increment Value — If the transaction matches, increment or decrement a global value.

      1. Select or create a global data parameter.

      2. Enter a positive step value to increment to counter. Enter a negative value to decrement the counter.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Assign this transaction to a virtual service.
    The virtual service is marked with a "stateful" tag.

Run the virtual service and submit the test job to trigger the virtual service.

The operator in the Filter by Data Parameter fields supports the following comparison for strings and numbers, respectively:

  • Equals

  • Less than

  • Greater than

  • Starts With

  • Ends With

  • In — Returns true if the value matches an item in a list. Provide a comma-separated list of values.

How to View the Logs

  1. Go to the Service Virtualization tab.
  2. Open the virtual service and verify that the transaction is attached.
  3. Go to the Analytics tab.
  4. On the Inspection tab, review the log of incoming requests to the virtual service:
    1. Verify that the call was made.
    2. Verify that the call was matched by the transaction that triggers the Processing Action.
    3. Verify the response.
  5. On the respective Processing Action tab, review the logs of the outgoing Processing Actions:
    1. Verify which calls were triggered, their method, and URL.
    2. Verify the timestamps when they were triggered.
    3. Select an entry to inspect query parameters used, headers, and body value.

analytics for webhooks 

analytics for state updates