Enable RSS Subscription for Image Updates

BlazeMeter provides an RSS feed of private location image updates. You can subscribe to the RSS feed and receive updates when the versions change for any of the private location images. The feed also includes links to the updated images from the public BlazeMeter container registry.

This subscription feature is particularly useful for customers with version overrides, or if you have disabled automatic updates for agent images, i.e., by setting auto_update variable to false.

When automatic updates are disabled, you won't automatically get the latest versions when released, but you manually update the images on your private locations.

Supported versions of images include the current version plus two previous versions.

All Private Location images are included in the feed by default, except for the Charmander browser images. These browser images can be included optionally. Charmanders are custom browser images that BlazeMeter requires for GUI Functional testing.

Requirements for Enabling RSS Subscription

An account admin will need to generate an API token and key to be able to access the RSS feed. There is only 1 RSS feed API token and secret available per account.

How to Generate API Token and Key for the First Time

If you have never generated an RSS API token, follow these instructions to create the API token and receive the RSS feed URL:

  1. Log into your BlazeMeter account as an admin.

  2. In the same browser (can be a new tab), navigate to the API: https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/rss/accounts/{account_id}/private-locations/versions

  3. An API token and secret will be auto-generated and you will be redirected to the URL.

  4. Copy the URL in the address bar and insert it into your favorite RSS Reader.
    To include browser images (Charmanders) in the RSS feed, add the 'includeBrowsers=true' param to the query URL.

Regenerate API Token and Key

If you have previously generated an RSS API token, but no longer have it available, you can regenerate the token for the account by following these instructions:

Regenerating the API token and key will deactivate any other active API tokens and the RSS feed URLs will have their permissions removed.
  1. Log into your BlazeMeter account as an admin
  2. In the same browser (can be a new tab), navigate to the API: https://a.blazemeter.com/api/v4/rss/accounts/{account_id}/private-locations/versions?regenerateAuthToken=true
  3. An API token and secret will be regenerated and you will be redirected to the updated URL.
  4. Copy the URL in the address bar and insert it into your favorite RSS Reader.
    To include browser images (Charmanders) in the RSS feed, add the 'includeBrowsers=true' param to the query URL.
If your selected RSS Reader does not maintain a history, and you would like to have the previous two versions of the images in your feed, then add the following query parameter to the subscription API request: ?history=true