Manual Update of Private Location Images

As a customer who uses Private Locations and has disabled the auto-update flag, you need to update the docker images manually.

Check the Private Location image version

First of all, you want to verify whether your Private Location images are up-to-date.

  1. Get the list of current images of your Agent:{location_id}/ships/{agent_id}

  2. Get info about the most recent versions of images that you can have for your Private Location:{location_id}/ships/{agent_id}/versions
    These are the versions that you would get automatically if your Private Location had auto update enabled.

  3. Compare the actual and expected versions to determine whether your Private Location is up-to-date.

Subscribe to the RSS feed and receive updates when the versions change for any of the private location images. The feed also includes links to the updated images from the public BlazeMeter container registry.

Pull Private Location Images

All the pulled images are layered.

  1. Get the list of expected versions:{location_id}/ships/{agent_id}/versions

  2. Use the dockerTag value to find an appropriate image in the response of the request for Step #1.

    • the Crane image has dockerTag: "blazemeter/crane"

    • the Taurus image has dockerTag: "taurus-cloud"

    • The Charmander image has dockerTag: "blazemeter/charmander/{browser}_{browser_version}".

  3. Enter the following command to pull the images:
    docker pull {dockerRegistry}/{imageRelativePath}:{version}
    docker pull

Public Locations use taurus-cloud. If you need the slim version of Taurus, add -slim to the taurus-cloud version number. Here's an example of a command that also pulls taurus-slim:
docker pull

Install Private Location Images

Tag your images with version, latest and default tags:

  1. Add tags with version:
    docker tag {image_id} {docker_tag}:{version}
    docker tag {image_id} blazemeter/charmander/chrome_69.0.3497.92:2.5.24

  2. Add tags with latest:
    docker tag {image_id} {docker_tag}:latest
    docker tag {image_id} blazemeter/charmander/chrome_69.0.3497.92:latest

If you have installed a new Crane image, restart the Crane container:

  1. Remove currently running Crane container:
    docker container rm -f {container_id}
  2. Regenerate the docker installation command for your Private Location in the BlazeMeter portal.
  3. Run the command on your machine to get your new Crane container started. Add the following option to the regenerated command to disable the automatic update of images, if required:
    --env AUTO_UPDATE=false