Test Data Generator - Seed Lists

The following functions are available to generate synthetic test data. When you parameterize your tests, you can assign these functions as variable values instead of using static hard-coded values. For related functions, see also Test Data Generator - JavaScript Methods and Test Data Generator Functions.

Seed Lists

The included seed lists contain common example strings to help you generate realistic test data, such as names of weekdays, months, persons, banks, companies, places, and so on. For more information on usage, see the randFromSeedList() / randlov() or valueFromSeedlist() functions.

BlazeMeter ships with the following seed lists included:


  • firstnames, femalenames, malenames
  • lastnames, lastnameenglish, honorific-titles
  • firstnamefemaleamerican, firstnamemaleamerican
  • lastnameindian
  • lastnameitalian, firstnameitalian-multicol
  • lastnamespanish firstnamespanish-multicol
  • firstnamegerman, lastnamegerman, honorific-titles-german


  • country
  • streetnames
  • ukpostcode-multicol
  • usaddress-multicol, usaddressbig-multicol
  • uszip-multicol, usstates-multicol
  • italiancities-multicol

  • spanishcities-multicol

  • australianpostalcodes-multicol
  • ukpostcodes-sample, uktowns, ukcounties
  • germanpostalcodes, japan-zip-codes-full, swedishpostalcodes, indiancities
  • escommunities


  • bankaccountno, banknames, usbanks-multicol, usbanksbig-multicol
  • creditcard, currencycode, swift-bic, iban-random
  • companies, energycompanies, spcompanies-multicol, usmanufacturercompanies-multicol, usretailcompanies-multicol
  • dayofweek, month
  • ukcompanies-multicol, ukethnicity, ukgender, ukphonenumbers, ukreligions, uksortcodes
  • escompanies-multicol

  • emailaddresses
  • icd10-multicol
  • colors, colorsbig-multicol
  • IPV4-multicol, ipv4-random, IPV4, IPV6-multicol, ipv6-random, IPV6, mac-random
  • MF (contains the values "M" and "F" to generate random male/female values)
  • YN (contains the values "Y" and "N" to generate random yes/no values)
  • computergames


Multi-Column Seed Lists

Some seed lists contain several columns of congruent data, such as a street name with matching postal code, county, and city name, that you can use to test form validation or map lookup. Their names end in "-multicol".

The randFromSeedlist(seedListName, column, percnull) function has an optional column parameter to select these extra columns. By default, the function only returns the first column.


  • randFromSeedlist("femalenames")
    Returns "Jenny"
  • randFromSeedlist("usaddress-multicol", 1)
    Returns "325 Beacon St"
  • randFromSeedlist("usaddress-multicol", 2)
    Returns "Boston"
  • randFromSeedlist("usaddress-multicol", 1, 20)
    Returns "325 Beacon St" or null with a 20% probability
  • valueFromSeedlist("usaddress-multicol",1,4) + " " + valueFromSeedlist("usaddress-multicol",1,2)
    Returns the matching values "02215 Boston" because they are both taken from row 1.


Multi-Column Seed Lists provide the following values:

Seed List Name Column Contents
australianpostalcodes-multicol AUS postal code, city/town
colorsbig-multicol Color name, hexadecimal value, red value, green value, blue value

ICD-10 code, human-readable name

IPV4-multicol IPv4 addresses split into 4 columns
IPV6-multicol IPv6 addresses split into 8 columns
firstnameitalian-multicol Italian first name, gender (M or F)
italiancities-multicol Italian city, province code, province name, region code, tax code, is capital (YES or empty), min zipcode, max zipcode
firstnamespanish-multicol Spanish first name, gender (M or F)
spanishcities-multicol Spanish city name, province code, province name, community, postal codes, postal code prefix, capital (values: Capoluogo or empty)
escompanies-multicol Spanish company name, company email
spcompanies-multicol S&P500 company name, ticker symbol, industry sector
ukcompanies-multicol UK company name, street address, city, county
ukpostcode-multicol UK postal code, city, county, phone prefix
usaddress-multicol US street address, city, two-letter state abbreviation, zip code
usaddressbig-multicol US zip code, street address, city, two-letter state abbreviation, city alias, zip code
usbanks-multicol US bank name, city, state, RSSD ID
usbanksbig-multicol US bank name, short bank name, address, city, country, zip code, RSSD ID
usmanufacturercompanies-multicol US company name, ticker symbol, industry sector
usretailcompanies-multicol US company name, ticker symbol, industry sector
usstates-multicol US state name, two-letter state abbreviation
uszip-multicol US zip code, two-letter state abbreviation, city, city alias, county, area code