Manage Private Locations

As an Account Admin, you can manage all the Private Locations in your BlazeMeter account. Viewing all your Private Locations in one place allows you to optimize the use of your resources, by sharing and unsharing Private Locations across Workspaces. Additionally, you can permanently delete Private Locations within your account.

To view the details of private locations in your account, navigate to Settings > Account > Locations Manager > Private Locations.

Share Private Locations

To share a Private Location with other workspaces within your account, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your BlazeMeter account.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Account > Locations Manager.

    A list of all Private Locations in your account appears:

    You can search and filter Private Locations by name.

  3. Select a Private Location, then click the share iconshare icon:

    A list of available workspaces displays.

  4. Select one or more workspaces, then click Share with (n) Workspaces (where n = number of workspaces selected):

    share workspaces

All the existing shared Workspaces will be marked in the table as Shared. In addition, the calculation of n includes all Workspaces that will be shared. If a Workspace is already shared, it cannot be selected but it will be included in the total number of shared workspaces (n).

Result: The selected workspaces are added to the selected Private Location on the Private Locations page.

Unshare Private Locations

To unshare a Private Location from Workspaces, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your BlazeMeter account.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Account > Private Locations.

    settings menu

    A list of all Private Locations in your account appears.

    locations list

    You can search or filter Private Locations by name. By default, the Private Location page displays up to five Workspace names in a private location table row. If more than five Workspaces are shared with a Private Location, a link appears on the right indicating the number of shared workspaces that are hidden (not shown).

  3. To unshare, do one of the following:

    • Click the X icon next to a Workspace name:

      x icon

    • Click either an (n) more link (where n = number of hidden workspaces) or an Unshare button:

      unshare link

      unshare icon

      A list of all the shared Workspaces displays.

      Select one or more Workspaces, then click Remove share from (n) Workspaces (where n = number of workspaces selected):

      unshare list

      If the selected private locations are assigned to tests configured in one or more of the selected Workspaces, the following message displays:

      cannot-unshare popup

      Before you can unshare, you first need to reconfigure the tests assigned to the selected Private Location to run in alternative locations. To do that, follow these steps:

      1. Click Show me a list of tests that are using this Private Location. The Advanced Search page opens with a list of tests that are using the selected Private Location:

        private location performance test

      2. Click the name of the relevant test(s) and scroll down to Locations:

        add location button

      3. Change the location(s) as needed.
      4. Repeat step 3 (TBD).

Result: The selected workspaces are unshared from the selected Private Location on the Private Locations page.

Delete Private Locations

You can delete Private Locations whether they are shared or unshared.

To delete a private location, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your BlazeMeter account.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Account > Private Locations.

    settings menu

    A list of all Private Locations in your account appears:

    locations list

    You can search or filter private locations by name.

  3. Select a private location row.
  4. Click the trash can icontrash icon on the right of the selected private location row.

    A popup displays:

    delete popup

  5. Click Delete.

    The selected private location is permanently deleted.

If the selected private locations are assigned to tests configured in the selected workspaces, the following message displays:

delete workspace message

Before you can delete, you first need to reconfigure the tests assigned to the selected Private Location to run in alternative locations.

  1. Click Show me a list of tests that are using this Private Location. The Advanced Search page opens with a list of tests that are using the selected Private Location:

    listed tests

  2. Click the name of the relevant test(s) and scroll down to Locations:

    Add private location button

  3. workspace assigned to tests delete
  4. Change the location(s) as needed.
  5. Return to the Private Location page and click Delete.

This action does not delete an installed agent. To manually delete an agent, see Removing an Agent.