Test Revisions

API Monitoring & Testing: Test Revision History

Restoring previously saved versions of your API tests is straightforward and simple. Additionally, you can restore any of your test-specific environments to a previous configuration. Test Revision History is available to teams on qualifying BlazeMeter plans.

You are able to see and access all revisions made after May 28, 2022. Prior to this time, all revisions were subject to a 90-day data retention policy.

To restore a test step or environment configuration:

  1. Select Revisions from your API test's sidebar navigation.
  2. Choose the test steps or environment version you would like and select Restore.
    Your API test steps or your test-specific environment configuration will be restored to that version.
Test steps and environment versions are restored interdependently of each other. If a test revision includes configuration changes for both test steps and environment, it's recommended to restore both versions of the configuration to avoid errors.
While you're able to restore previous versions of an existing API test, deleted API tests and their test-specific environments cannot be recovered.