GitLab Docker Image and BlazeMeter-related Functions

The Docker image for GitLab facilitates the execution of various functions that you can use for testing with BlazeMeter. This topic outlines each of these functions, accompanied by the corresponding syntax to use in the .gitlab-ci.yml file.

Create a New Test

To create and execute a new test in BlazeMeter, configure .gitlab-ci.yml as follows:

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	createTest: "true" 
	inputStartFile: "xxxx" 
	testName: "xxxx" 
	projectId: "xxxx" 
	continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
	-createTest $createTest -testName $testName -projectId $projectId - inputStartFile $inputStartFile -continuePipeline $continuePipeline"

Run an Existing Test

To run an existing BlazeMeter test, configure .gitlab-ci.yml as follows:

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	continuePipeline: "false"
	testIdInput: "xxxx" 

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
	-testIdInput $testIdInput -continuePipeline $continuePipeline"

Add or Replace Existing Test Files

Before running a test, replace or add the dependency files.

If an existing BlazeMeter test requires dependent files, to upload those files to an existing test and run it, configure .gitlab-ci.yml as follows.

If your test requires multiple files to be uploaded, you must put all those files under a folder and reference the folder path inside the inputAllFiles variable.

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx"
	testIdInput: "xxxx" 
	inputAllFiles: "xxxx" 
	uploadFileCheck: "true" 
	continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-testIdInput	$testIdInput	-uploadFileCheck	$uploadFileCheck	- 
inputAllFiles $inputAllFiles -continuePipeline $continuePipeline"

Replace or Add the Configuration Files (main test file) Before Running a Test

To update the main test file of an existing test and run it, configure .gitlab-ci.yml as follows:

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	testIdInput: "xxxx" 
	uploadFileCheck: "true" 
	inputStartFile: "xxxx" 
	continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
	- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-testIdInput	$testIdInput	-uploadFileCheck	$uploadFileCheck	- 
inputStartFile $inputStartFile -continuePipeline $continuePipeline"

Update Variables in Taurus Files

If your test is defined as a Taurus .yaml file and it contains variables that you would like to be updated at run time, use the envVariable feature.

Let’s assume you have a variable called username in your Taurus YAML file and you want the value of that variable to be set to jdoe. You can do so by passing the key-value pair as username:jdoe, which then replaces the variable username in your .yml file with the value jdoe.

This function works only in combination with the inputStartFile variable, which means that the file gets updated locally on the runner and the updated file gets uploaded to your BlazeMeter test before execution.

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	createTest: "true" 
	inputStartFile: "xxxx" 
	testName: "xxxx" 
	projectId: "xxxx"
	envVariable: '{"key":"value"}' continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-createTest $createTest -testName $testName -projectId $projectId - 
inputStartFile	$inputStartFile	-envVariable	$envVariable	- 
continuePipeline $continuePipeline"

Run Existing Test and Download Artifacts Log File

To run an existing test and then download the artifacts to the CI Project directory, configure .gitlab-ci.yml as follows:

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	testIdInput: "xxxx" 
	continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		-	"pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-testIdInput $testIdInput -continuePipeline $continuePipeline"
		-	ls -a ./tmp/artifacts 
			-  $CI_PROJECT_DIR/tmp/artifacts

Add JMeter Properties

If your test is JMeter-based and you want to add or update a JMeter property, you can do so by using the jmeterProperties variable as shown in the example below.

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	testIdInput: "xxxx" 
	continuePipeline: "false" 
	jmeterProperties: "key=value"

job 0:
	stage: deploy script:
	-	"pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-testIdInput	$testIdInput	-continuePipeline	$continuePipeline	-
jmeterProperties $jmeterProperties"
		-	ls -a ./tmp/artifacts 
			-  $CI_PROJECT_DIR/tmp/artifacts

Customize a Report Name

Use the reportName parameter to give a name to your test report.

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	testIdInput: "xxxx" 
	reportName: "xxxx" 
	continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-testIdInput	$testIdInput	-reportName	$reportName	-continuePipeline

Add Notes to your Test Report

To add notes to your test report, use the notes parameter.

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	testIdInput: "xxxx" 
	note: "xxxx"
	continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-testIdInput	$testIdInput	-note	$note	-continuePipeline

Override the Iterations Configuration in Existing JMeter Tests

If your JMeter test is iteration-based and not duration-based, you can override the iterations value in the JMX through the use of the variables iterationsConfig and iterations as shown in the example below.

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	testIdInput: "xxxx" 
	iterationsConfig: "true" 
	iterations: "xxxx" 
	continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-testIdInput	$testIdInput	-iterationsConfig	$iterationsConfig	
- iterations $iterations -continuePipeline $continuePipeline"

Override the Iterations Configuration in JMX and Create a New Test

This function is similar to the previous one except that it also creates a new test on the fly.

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	createTest: "true" 
	inputStartFile: "xxxx" 
	testName: "xxxx" 
	projectId: "xxxx" 
	iterationsConfig: "true" 
	iterations: "xxxx" 
	continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-createTest	$createTest	-inputStartFile	$inputStartFile	-testName
$testName -projectId $projectId -iterationsConfig $iterationsConfig - 
iterations $iterations -continuePipeline $continuePipeline"

Override the Load Configuration Parameters - Concurrency, Ramp Up and Duration

To override the load configuration parameters, configure .gitlab-ci.yml as follows:

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	createTest: "true" 
	inputStartFile: "xxxx" 
	testName: "xxxx" 
	projectId: "xxxx" 
	totalUsers: "xxxx" 
	duration: "xxxx" 
	rampUp: "xxxx"
	continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
	- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-createTest	$createTest	-inputStartFile	$inputStartFile	-testName
$testName	-projectId	$projectId	-totalUsers	$totalUsers	-duration
$duration -rampUp $rampUp -continuePipeline $continuePipeline"

Update Test Data

This function is specific to Scriptless Functional Tests that leverage the Test Data feature. When you use the Test Data module in your tests, you are basically referencing variables in your test that are managed by the Test Data module. These variable values can be overridden from your pipeline by use of the modelData parameter. It requires the use of key-value pairs as shown below.

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	testIdInput: "xxxx" 
	modelData: '{"key":"value"}' 
	continuePipeline: "false"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		- "pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret
-testIdInput	$testIdInput	-modelData	$modelData	-continuePipeline

Run an Existing Test by Passing the Test Name instead of Test ID

You can execute tests by passing the Test Name as opposed to a Test ID as shown below. If the Test Name passed does not exist on the BlazeMeter side, the job fails with an error message.

image: blazerunner/blazemeter:gitlab

	apiKey: "xxxx"
	apiSecret: "xxxx" 
	continuePipeline: "false" 
	showTailLog: "false" 
	testName: "xxxx" 
	projectId: "xxxx" 
	testRunByTestName: "true"

job 0:
	stage: deploy 
		- pwsh /Blazemeter-run.ps1 -apiKey $apiKey -apiSecret $apiSecret - 
continuePipeline $continuePipeline -showTailLog $showTailLog -testName
$testName -projectId $projectId -testRunByTestName $testRunByTestName
	- ls -a ./tmp/artifacts 
			-  $CI_PROJECT_DIR/tmp/artifacts