Using Private Locations

Before running any full-scale test, you will want to calibrate the test beforehand.

You have successfully installed a private location in your workspace. The following information explains how to use your new private location.

Private Location Options and Details

To view private location details, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your BlazeMeter account.
  2. Navigate to Settings, Workspace, Private Locations.
    private locations
    You should see a list of all your private locations in your workspace.
    You can search or filter your private locations by name, and sort the list of private locations either by name, type, or date created.
  3. Click a private location to see its details and a list of its agents which are the on-premise servers that have our agent installed on them.

Every private location has the following details:

test location

  • Enable or Disable Private Location
    Enable or disable the private location using the toggle on the top left side. This is useful for when you are handling maintenance on the agents in the private location and you do not want users running tests on this location during that period.
  • Refresh Private Location
    Clicking this button will refresh the private location page, giving you the latest status of the agents within the private location.
  • Edit Private Location
    This button opens up the Edit private location window. The same Setup and Functionalities options from the Create a private location dialogs are available here. Apply your changes and click the Apply to save. You need to be workspace manager to make changes.
  • Unshare Private Location
    To unshare a Shared private location, in the Edit private location window, click the Unshare location button that appears at the bottom left-hand corner.
    This action is a prerequisite for deleting a Shared location.

    unshare private location

    If the selected shared private location is assigned to tests configured in the associated Workspaces, the following message displays:

    cannot unshare popup

    Before you can unshare, you first need to reconfigure the tests assigned to the selected Private Location to run in alternative locations.

    1. Click Show me a list of tests that are using this OPL. The Advanced Search page opens with a list of tests that are using the selected Private Location:

      performance test

    2. Click the names of the relevant tests and scroll down to Locations:

      Using private locations - add agent button

    3. Change the location(s) as needed.

    Result: The selected Private Location reappears on the Private Locations page as an Unshared Private Location.

  • Delete Private Location
    The Delete location option will appear at the bottom left-hand corner of the window and will PERMANENTLY delete the private location after accepting the prompt.
    This DOES NOT delete the installed agent. To manually delete the agent, see Removing an Agent.

    delete location

    If the selected private location is assigned to tests configured in the selected workspaces, the following message displays:

    workspace assigned to tests delete

    Before you can delete, you first need to reconfigure the tests assigned to the selected Private Location to run in alternative locations.

    1. Click Show me a list of tests that are using this OPL. The Advanced Search page opens with a list of tests that are using the selected Private Location:
      performance test
    2. Click the name of the relevant test(s) and scroll down to Locations:

      Manage private locations - add location button

    3. Change the location(s) as needed.
  • Id - The ID of the private location (formerly known as harbor)
  • Type - The private location type (Shared or Unshared)
  • Engines per agent - The number of engines/tests that can run on one agent
  • Max threads per engine - The maximum number of users that can run per test/engine
  • Console - JVM XMS and XMX settings for each test/engine
  • Agents - Gives a count of all agents in the private location and a count of their statuses
  • + Add Agent - Used to add an agent to the private location

    Using private locations - add agent button

Agent Options and Details

To view agent details, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your BlazeMeter account.
  2. Navigate to Settings, Workspace, Private Locations.
    private locations
    You should see a list of all your private locations.
  3. Click a private location to see its details and a list of its agents which are the on-premise servers that have our agent installed on them.

Each agent will have the following information that you can view:

agent status

  • Name - Name of the agent
  • Id - The Agent ID (formerly known as Ship)
  • Created - Date the agent was created
  • Address - IP addresses of the agent
  • Status - The status of the agent:
    • Idle - It looks good and is ready to be used.
    • Running - A test is currently using this Agent as a load engine.
    • Error - The Agent is not sending a heartbeat and there is probably something wrong with the server.
    • Downloading - The Agent is in the process of downloading and updating images used for the Private location installation.
    • Detached - The Agent has not sent a heartbeat in more than 3 months.
  • Last Heartbeat - Last time a heartbeat was sent to BlazeMeter
  • Description - Contains the details on any currently running tests or processes on this agent
  • Actions - The actions you can use on an agent. See below for the list of actions:
    • Edit - Change the agent's name or IP address.
    • Reset - Stop any running tests on the machine and bring the agent to an Idle status. Be careful when using this as it will not stop the report if it is still showing as running.
    • Regenerate - Regenerate the agent. Use for re-installations. For more information, see Installing a BlazeMeter Agent for Docker or Installing a BlazeMeter Agent for Kubernetes.
    • Disable - Disable the ability to run tests on a specific agent. For example, you may want to do this if you have an unstable server that you'd rather not use.
    • Delete - Remove a specific agent from your private location as long as it is not in Running status.

Run Private Location Tests

Before running any full-scale test, you will want to calibrate the test beforehand.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new test or go to an existing test saved in your BlazeMeter Workspace.
  2. In the test configuration page, you will find your private location listed under Location(s).

    private location menu performance

    private location menu gui functional

Once the test is running, you will be able to see the agent(s) that are currently running the test and information about this session in your private location settings.

idle agent