Running a Functional Test

From the test configuration view of any API Functional Test or GUI Functional Test, run your test by clicking the "Run Test" button.

run test button

When you're executing an API Functional Test, you are forwarded to the test booting screen. Wait while the test is running.

Starting February 2022, the API Functional testing feature has been deprecated. Depending on your subscription plan, you may still be able to run existing tests but can no longer create new ones. Please use BlazeMeter API Monitoring to create and run your API Functional Tests going forward.

When the first results are ready, you are forwarded to the GUI Functional Test Report or API Functional Test Report, respectively.

Stopping a Functional Test

If you need to manually stop the test for any reason, refer to our guide on Stopping a Test.

Scheduling a Functional Test

The process for scheduling a Functional test to run repeatedly is the same as for Performance tests. For detailed information, see Scheduling a Performance Test.

To schedule a Functional test:

  1. On the Functional tab, click Tests, and open a test.
  2. In the Schedule section on the left side, click Add.
  3. Select the required frequency:
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  4. On Time: Configure the run time of the test. BlazeMeter's default time zone is UTC+0.
  5. Advanced
    Alternatively, enter your own CRON expression in the format "min hour day month weekday".
    Example: If we use "30 10 * 2 1", the test will run at 10:30 AM UTC+0, on each (*) Monday (1) of February (2).
    Take care not to accidentally set the interval too small. Use the scheduler validation below your expression to verify your schedule. For example, you would not want to schedule a test to run every second, or every five minutes.
    Whereas the On Time option is expressed in UTC+0, the Your next 3 tests verification message will display in the time zone of your choice, matching whatever the value of your time zone override is (if the override is enabled).

To manage scheduled tests:

Open a test. All of your scheduled tests are listed on the left panel in the Schedule section.

  • To disable or enable a scheduled test, toggle the slider on or off to enable or disable the schedule.

  • To delete a scheduled test, hover over the test in the Schedule section until the Delete context action appears, then click the delete icon.

  • To modify a schedule, delete the schedule and create a new one.

To review all scheduled tests of a workspace:

  1. Click the Settings icon in the top right corner.
  2. In the left column, expand the Workspace section.
  3. Click Scheduled Tests.
  4. Review all schedules assigned for all tests within the selected workspace.

Here you can enable, disable, or delete any schedule without having to navigate to the test itself.