API Monitoring Notifications Overview
When your API tests complete, you want to know what happened. API Monitoring supports a wide variety of notification options, including popular 3rd-party services, to make sure you are the first to know when there is an issue with your services.
Notification Options via API Monitoring
Notification Options via Integrations with Third-party Services
Email Notifications
Email notifications can be sent to:
- Individual team members
- Custom emails (non-member emails, external emails, or distribution list emails)
After selecting the members of your team to notify, you can choose to be notified based on one of the following options:
- after all test runs
- after all failed test runs
- after a certain number of consecutive failures for a specific location
- after a test fails due to an API failure (excluding Radar Agent issues)
- after a test fails due to an on-premise Radar Agent issue
Additionally, you may choose to send emails when a test returns to a successful state. Configure email notifications from the Email Notifications page of any test. For more information, see the Configure Email Notifications sections on the Managing Configuration with Environments page.
Setting up multiple notification configurations
Using Environments, you can configure notification settings that only alert specific groups within your team, depending on the test or shared environment used to run your test.
Webhook Notifications
You can specify callback URLs to be requested upon the completion of every test. From the Notifications page in the test editor enter the URL you would like to be notified at. All test runs, regardless of outcome, will trigger a webhook notification. To notify multiple URLs, enter one per line.
If you want more flexibility to customize your webhook notifications, check out our advanced webhooks integration.
Webhook Request Data
POSTCallback URL(s)
Sample Request Data
"variables": {
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "qux"
"test_id": "76598752-cbda-4e1d-820f-6274a62f74ff",
"test_name": "Buckets Test",
"test_run_id": "9c15aa62-21f0-48f2-a819-c99bdf8e4543",
"team_id": "6b9c7f65-9e11-4f77-85ad-e6ee7a28232d",
"team_name": "Acme Inc.",
"environment_uuid": "98290cfc-a008-4ab7-9ea4-8906f12b228f",
"environment_name": "Staging Settings",
"bucket_name": "Rocket Sled",
"bucket_key": "",
"test_url": "https://www.runscope.com/radar//76598752-cbda-4e1d-820f-6274a62f74ff",
"test_run_url": "https://www.runscope.com/radar//76598752-cbda-4e1d-820f-6274a62f74ff/results/9c15aa62-21f0-48f2-a819-c99bdf8e4543",
"trigger_url": "https://api.runscope.com/radar/09039249-fdfd-4e1d-820f-6274a62f74ff/trigger",
"result": "fail",
"started_at": 1384281308.548077,
"finished_at": 1384281310.680218,
"agent": null,
"agent_expired": null,
"region": "us1",
"region_name": "US East - Northern Virginia",
"initial_variables": {},
"requests": [{
"step_type": "request",
"url": "https://api.runscope.com/",
"variables": {
"fail": 0,
"total": 1,
"pass": 1
"assertions": {
"fail": 0,
"total": 2,
"pass": 2
"scripts": {
"fail": 0,
"total": 1,
"pass": 1
"result": "pass",
"method": "GET",
"response_time_ms": 123,
"response_size_bytes": 2048,
"response_status_code": 200,
"note": "Root URL"
Webhook Payload Data Attributes
A dictionary containing all initial variables for this test run, and the variables extracted and stored from each step. |
The unique ID for the test responsible for this test run. |
The name of the test responsible for this test run. |
The unique ID of this specific test run. |
The unique ID of the team this test's bucket belongs to. |
The name of the team this test's bucket belongs to. |
The UUID of the environment used by this test run. |
The name of the environment used by this test run. |
The name of the bucket the test belongs to. |
The key of the bucket the test belongs to. |
The URL for this viewing and editing this test in the BlazeMeter API Monitoring dashboard. |
The URL for the test result detail page in the BlazeMeter API Monitoring dashboard. |
The Trigger URL for this test. Typically used to retry a test run. |
The result of the test run, either pass or fail . |
The UNIX timestamp for the start of the test run. |
The UNIX timestamp for the completion of the test run. |
The agent used to execute this test run, or null if a default BlazeMeter API Monitoring location was used. |
The status of the agent for this test run. This is true if the agent is expired, and null if the agent is available or if a default BlazeMeter API Monitoring location was used. |
The region code for the location the test was run from, or null if an agent was used. |
The full region name and location the test was run from, or null if an agent was used. |
A dictionary of the test runs initial variables. This is the variable state after the initial scripts and variables have been processed (bucket-wide and test-specific) prior to the execution of the first request. |
A list of the HTTP requests that were executed in this test run with the method, URL and assertion, variable and script success/failure counts. |